GECCO Workshop on Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB 2022)

Welcome to the web page of the 11th GECCO Workshop on Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB 2022) which took place during GECCO 2022.


held as part of the

2022 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2022)
July 9--13, Boston, MA, USA

Submission opening: February 11, 2022
Submission deadline: April 11, 2022
Notification: April 25, 2022
Camera-ready: May 2, 2022
Presenter mandatory registration: May 2, 2022

register for news COCO quick start (scroll down a bit) latest COCO release

Benchmarking optimization algorithms is a crucial part in the design and application of them in practice. Since 2009, the Blackbox Optimization Benchmarking Workshop at GECCO has been a place to discuss general recent advances of benchmarking practices and the concrete results from actual benchmarking experiments with a large variety of (blackbox) optimizers.

The Comparing Continuous Optimizers platform (COCO1, has been developed in this context to support algorithm developers and practicioners alike by automating benchmarking experiments for blackbox optimization algorithms in single- and bi-objective, unconstrained continuous problems in exact and noisy, as well as expensive and non-expensive scenarios. In 2022, we plan to provide, for the first time, a new bbob-constrained test suite (work still in progress).

For the next BBOB 2022 edition of the workshop, we invite participants to discuss all kind of aspects of (blackbox) benchmarking but welcome in particular contributions related to constrained optimization. As in previous years, presenting benchmarking results on the supported test suites of COCO are a focus, but submissions are not limited to those topics:

  • single-objective unconstrained problems (bbob)
  • single-objective unconstrained problems with noise (bbob-noisy)
  • biobjective unconstrained problems (bbob-biobj)
  • large-scale single-objective problems (bbob-largescale) and
  • mixed-integer single- and bi-objective problems (bbob-mixint and bbob-biobj-mixint)
  • constrained optimization (bbob-constrained)

We encourage particularly submissions about algorithms from outside the evolutionary computation community and papers analyzing the large amount of already publicly available algorithm data of COCO (see Like for the previous editions, we will provide source code in various languages (C/C++, Matlab/Octave, Java, and Python) to benchmark algorithms on the various test suites mentioned. Postprocessing data and comparing algorithm performance will be equally automatized with COCO (up to already prepared ACM-compliant LaTeX templates for writing papers).

For more details, please see below.

Updates and News

Get updated about the latest news regarding the workshop and releases and bugfixes of the supporting NumBBO/COCO platform, by registering at

Accepted papers

  • Charles Audet, Sébastien Le Digabel, Ludovic Salomon, Christophe Tribes: Constrained blackbox optimization with the NOMAD solver on the COCO constrained test suite (paper)
  • Paul Dufossé, Asma Atamna: Benchmarking several strategies to update the penalty parameters in AL-CMA-ES on the bbob-constrained testbed (paper)
  • Mohamed Gharafi: Benchmarking of two implementations of CMA-ES with diagonal decoding on the bbob test suite (paper)
  • Ryoki Hamano, Shota Saito, Masahiro Nomura, Shinichi Shirakawa: Benchmarking CMA-ES with margin on the bbob-mixint testbed (paper)
  • Michael Hellwig, Hans-Georg Beyer: Benchmarking ϵMAg-ES and BP-ϵMAg-ES on the bbob-constrained testbed (paper)
  • Zachary Hoffman, Steve Huntsman: Benchmarking an algorithm for expensive high-dimensional objectives on the bbob and bbob-largescale testbeds (paper)
  • Duc Manh Nguyen: Benchmarking some variants of the CMAES-APOP using keeping search points and mirrored sampling combined with active CMA on the BBOB noiseless testbed (paper)
  • Ryoji Tanabe: Benchmarking the hooke-jeeves method, MTS-LS1, and BSrr on the large-scale BBOB function set (paper <>)


We encourage any submission that is concerned with black-box optimization benchmarking of continuous optimizers, for example papers that:

  • describe and benchmark new or not-so-new algorithms on one of the above testbeds,
  • compare new or existing algorithms from the COCO/BBOB database2,
  • analyze the data obtained in previous editions of BBOB3, or
  • discuss, compare, and improve upon any benchmarking methodology for continuous optimizers such as design of experiments, performance measures, presentation methods, benchmarking frameworks, test functions, ...

Paper submissions are expected to be done through the official GECCO submission system at until the deadline. ACM-compliant LaTeX templates are available in the github repository under code-postprocessing/latex-templates/.

In order to finalize your submission, we kindly ask you to submit your data files if this applies by clicking on "Submit a COCO data set" here: To upload your data to the web, you might want to use which offers uploads of data sets up to 50GB in size or any other provider of online data storage.

Supporting material

The basis of the workshop is the Comparing Continuous Optimizer platform (, written in ANSI C with other languages calling the C code. Languages currently available are C, Java, MATLAB/Octave, and Python.

Most likely, you want to read the COCO quick start (scroll down a bit). This page also provides the code for the benchmark functions4, for running the experiments in C, Java, Matlab, Octave, and Python, and for postprocessing the experiment data into plots, tables, html pages, and publisher-conform PDFs via provided LaTeX templates. Please refer to for more details on the general experimental set-up for black-box optimization benchmarking.

The latest (hopefully) stable release of the COCO software can be downloaded as a whole here. Please use at least version v2.5 for running your benchmarking experiments in 2022.

Documentation of the functions used in the different test suites can be found here:

Important Dates

  • 2022-04-11 paper and data submission deadline
  • 2022-04-25 decision notification
  • 2022-05-02 deadline camera-ready papers
  • 2022-05-02 deadline author registration
  • 2022-07-09 or 2022-07-10 workshop

All dates are given in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd).


  • Anne Auger, Inria and CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
  • Dimo Brockhoff, Inria and CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
  • Konstantin Dietrich, TU Köln, Germany
  • Paul Dufossé, Inria and Thales Defense Mission Systems, France
  • Tobias Glasmachers, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  • Nikolaus Hansen, Inria and CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
  • Olaf Mersmann, TU Köln, Germany
  • Petr Pošík, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
  • Tea Tušar, Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia


  1. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Raymond Ros, Olaf Mersmann, Tea Tušar, and Dimo Brockhoff. "COCO: A platform for comparing continuous optimizers in a black-box setting." Optimization Methods and Software (2020): 1-31.↩︎

  2. The data of previously compared algorithms can be found at and are easily accessible by name in the cocopp post-processing and from the python cocopp.archives module or in (fixed) html form at↩︎

  3. The data of previously compared algorithms can be found at and are easily accessible by name in the cocopp post-processing and from the python cocopp.archives module or in (fixed) html form at↩︎

  4. Note that the current release of the new COCO platform does not contain the original noisy BBOB testbed yet, such that you must use the old code at for the time being if you want to compare your algorithm on the noisy testbed.↩︎