module documentation

Bootstrapping and statistics routines.

Class Evals Undocumented
Function best_alg_indices return the index of the most promising algorithm for each target.
Function draw Generates the empirical bootstrap distribution from a sample.
Function drawSP Returns the percentiles of the bootstrapped distribution of 'simulated' running lengths of successful runs.
Function drawSP_from_dataset returns (percentiles, all_sampled_values_sorted) of simulated runlengths to reach ftarget based on a DataSet class instance, specifically:
Function drawSP_from_dataset_new new implementation, old interface (which should also change at some point)
Function equals_approximately Undocumented
Function fastsort Sort an array and provide the argsort.
Function fix_data_number Obsolete and subject to removal. Use instead np.asarray(data)[randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)] or [data[i] for i in randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)].
Function in_approximately return True if a equals approximately any of the elements in list_, in short
Function prctile Computes percentile based on data with linear interpolation
Function randint Undocumented
Function randint_derandomized return a numpy array of derandomized random integers.
Function rankdata Ranks the data in a, dealing with ties appropriately.
Function ranksum_statistic Returns the U test statistic of the rank-sum (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon) test.
Function ranksumtest Calculates the rank sum statistics for the two input data sets x and y and returns z and p.
Function significance_all_best_vs_other returns a list of (z, p) tuples, each results from the ranksum tests for the respective target value for each algorithm against the best algorithm defined from the index list. Each (z, p) is either the first ...
Function significancetest Compute the rank-sum test between two data sets.
Function simulated_evals Obsolete: see DataSet.evals_with_simulated_restarts instead.
Function sliding_window_data width is an absolute number, the resulting data has the same length as the original data and the window width is between width/2 at the border and width in the middle.
Function sp sp(data, issuccessful=None) computes the sum of the function evaluations over all runs divided by the number of success, the so-called success performance which estimates the expected runtime ERT.
Function sp1 sp1(data, maxvalue=Inf, issuccessful=None) computes a mean value over successful entries in data divided by success rate, the so-called SP1
Function zprob Returns the area under the normal curve 'to the left of' the given z value.
Function _has_len Undocumented
Function _randint_derandomized_generator the generator for randint_derandomized
def best_alg_indices(ert_ars=None, median_finalfunvals=None, datasets=None, targets=None):

return the index of the most promising algorithm for each target.

ert_ars are the first criterion and computed from datasets and targets if necessary. median_finalfunvals are needed when all ert_ars are infinite for some target and computed from datasets when necessary.

Lines in ert_ars contain ERTs for different targets, columns contain ERTs for a single target from different algorithms.

Rationale: our primary (only) performance indicator is evals, hence we use expected evals to determine the candidate for best algorithm. When no evals are available, we have not run the experiment long enough (we have no real measurement), then the best candidate is the one with the best final f-values. The statistical test is later aligned to the largest evals where all runs have a recorded value.

def draw(data, percentiles, samplesize=1000.0, func=sp1, args=()):

Generates the empirical bootstrap distribution from a sample.

  • data -- a sequence of data values
  • percentiles -- a single scalar value or a sequence of percentiles to be computed from the bootstrapped distribution.
  • func -- function that computes the statistics as func(data,*args) or func(data,*args)[0], by default toolsstats.sp1
  • args -- arguments to func, the zero-th element of args is expected to be a sequence of boolean giving the success status of the associated data value. This specialization of the draw procedure is due to the interface of the performance computation methods sp1 and sp.
  • samplesize -- number of bootstraps drawn, default is 1e3, for more reliable values choose rather 1e4. performance is linear in samplesize, 0.2s for samplesize=1000.
(prctiles, all_samplesize_bootstrapped_values_sorted)
>> import toolsstats >> data = np.random.randn(22) >> res = toolsstats.draw(data, (10,50,90), samplesize=1e4) >> print(res[0])


NaN-values are also bootstrapped, but disregarded for the calculation of percentiles which can lead to somewhat unexpected results.

def drawSP(runlengths_succ, runlengths_unsucc, percentiles, samplesize=genericsettings.simulated_runlength_bootstrap_sample_size, derandomized=True):

Returns the percentiles of the bootstrapped distribution of 'simulated' running lengths of successful runs.

  • runlengths_succ -- array of running lengths of successful runs
  • runlengths_unsucc -- array of running lengths of unsuccessful
(percentiles, all_sampled_values_sorted)
A single successful running length is computed by adding uniformly randomly chosen running lengths until the first time a successful one is chosen. In case of no successful run an exception is raised.

This implementation is depreciated and replaced by simulated_evals. The latter is also depreciated, see DataSet.evals_with_simulated_restarts instead.

See also: simulated_evals.

def drawSP_from_dataset(data_set, ftarget, percentiles, samplesize=genericsettings.simulated_runlength_bootstrap_sample_size):

returns (percentiles, all_sampled_values_sorted) of simulated runlengths to reach ftarget based on a DataSet class instance, specifically:

evals = data_set.detEvals([ftarget])[0] # likely to be 15 "data points"
idx_nan = np.isnan(evals)  # nan == did not reach ftarget
return drawSP(evals[~idx_nan], data_set.maxevals[idx_nan], percentiles, samplesize)

The expected value of all_sampled_values_sorted is the expected runtime ERT, as obtained by data_set.detERT([ftarget])[0].

Details: samplesize is adjusted (increased) such that it is zero when taken modulo data_set.nbRuns().

def drawSP_from_dataset_new(data_set, ftarget, dummy, samplesize=genericsettings.simulated_runlength_bootstrap_sample_size):

new implementation, old interface (which should also change at some point)

returns (None, evals), that is, no percentiles, only the data=runtimes=evals

def equals_approximately(a, b, abs=1e-11, rel=1e-11):


def fastsort(a):

Sort an array and provide the argsort.

a : array
(sorted array, indices into the original array)
def fix_data_number(data, ndata=15, last_elements_randomized=True, warn=False):

Obsolete and subject to removal. Use instead np.asarray(data)[randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)] or [data[i] for i in randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)].

return copy of data vector modified to length ndata or data itself.

Assures len(data) == ndata.

>>> from cocopp.toolsstats import fix_data_number
>>> data = [1,2,4]
>>> assert len(fix_data_number(data, 1)) == 1
>>> assert len(fix_data_number(data, 3)) == 3
>>> assert len(fix_data_number(data, 4)) == 4
>>> assert len(fix_data_number(data, 14)) == 14
>>> assert fix_data_number(data, 14)[2] == data[2]

See also data[randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)], which should do pretty much the same, a little more randomized.

datais a (row)-vector
def in_approximately(a, list_, abs=1e-11, rel=1e-11):

return True if a equals approximately any of the elements in list_, in short

return any([equals_approximately(a, b) for b in list_])
def prctile(x, arrprctiles, issorted=False, ignore_nan=True):

Computes percentile based on data with linear interpolation


treats np.inf and -np.inf, np.nan and None, the latter are simply disregarded

issortedindicate if data is sorted
prctiles:scalar or sequencepercentiles to be calculated. Values beyond the interval [0,100] also return the respective extreme value in data.
sequence data(list, array) of data values
sequence of percentile values in data according to argument prctiles
def randint(upper, n):


def randint_derandomized(low, high=None, size=None):

return a numpy array of derandomized random integers.

The interface is the same as for numpy.randint, however the default value for size is high - low and each "random" integer is guarantied to appear exactly once in each chunk of size high - low. (That is, by default a permutation is returned.)

As for numpy.randint, the value range is [low, high-1] or [0, low-1] if high is None.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from cocopp.toolsstats import randint_derandomized
>>> np.random.seed(1)
>>> [int(i) for i in randint_derandomized(0, 4, 6)]
[3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2]

A typical usecase is indexing of data like:

[data[i] for i in randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)]
# or almost equivalently
np.asarray(data)[randint_derandomized(0, len(data), ndata)]
def rankdata(a):

Ranks the data in a, dealing with ties appropriately.

Equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks that would have been otherwise assigned to all of the values within that set. Ranks begin at 1, not 0.

In [15]: stats.rankdata([0, 2, 2, 3]) Out[15]: array([ 1. , 2.5, 2.5, 4. ])
  • a : array This array is first flattened.
An array of length equal to the size of a, containing rank scores.
def ranksum_statistic(N1, N2):

Returns the U test statistic of the rank-sum (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon) test. Small sample sizes (direct method).

def ranksumtest(x, y):

Calculates the rank sum statistics for the two input data sets x and y and returns z and p.

This method returns a slight difference compared to scipy.stats.ranksumtest in the two-tailed p-value. Should be test drived...

Returns: z-value for first data set x and two-tailed p-value

def significance_all_best_vs_other(datasets, targets, best_alg_idx=None):

returns a list of (z, p) tuples, each results from the ranksum tests for the respective target value for each algorithm against the best algorithm defined from the index list. Each (z, p) is either the first z when z >= 0 (best algorithm is worse) in which case p is set to 1, or, when z < 0, it is the pair with the largest observed p.

datasetsis a list of DataSet from different algorithms, otherwise on the same function and dimension (which is not necessarily checked)
targetsis a list of target values,
best_alg_idxfor each target the best algorithm to be tested against the others
def significancetest(entry0, entry1, targets):

Compute the rank-sum test between two data sets.

For a given target function value, the performances of two algorithms are compared. The result of a significance test is computed on the number of function evaluations for reaching the target or, if not available, the function values for the smallest budget in an unsuccessful trial.

Known bugs: this is not a fair comparison, because the successful trials could be very long.

TODO: we would want to correct for imbalanced instances if the more frequent instances are more different than the less frequent instances.

DataSet entry0-- data set 0
DataSet entry1-- data set 1
list targets-- list of target function values
list of (z, p) for each target function values in input argument targets. z and p are values returned by the ranksumtest method. The z value is for entry0 where a larger value is better, because the test data are [-Df, 1/evals].
def simulated_evals(evals, nfails, samplesize=genericsettings.simulated_runlength_bootstrap_sample_size, randint=randint_derandomized):

Obsolete: see DataSet.evals_with_simulated_restarts instead.

Return samplesize "simulated" run lengths (#evaluations), sorted.

  • evals -- array of evaluations
  • nfail -- only the last nfail evaluations come from
    unsuccessful runs
  • randint -- random integer index function of the first simulated run


>>> from cocopp import set_seed
>>> from cocopp.toolsstats import simulated_evals
>>> set_seed(4)
>>> evals_succ = [1]  # only one evaluation in the successful trial
>>> evals_unsucc = [2, 4, 2, 6, 100]
>>> [int(i) for i in simulated_evals(np.hstack([evals_succ, evals_unsucc]),
...                     len(evals_unsucc), 13)]  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[1, 1, 3, ...
A single successful running length is computed by adding uniformly randomly chosen running lengths until the first time a successful one is chosen. In case of no successful run an exception is raised.
def sliding_window_data(data, width=2, operator=np.median, number_of_stats=0, only_finite_data=True):

width is an absolute number, the resulting data has the same length as the original data and the window width is between width/2 at the border and width in the middle.

Return (smoothed_data, stats), where stats is a list with elements [index_in_data, 2_10_25_50_75_90_98_percentile_of_window_at_i]

def sp(data, maxvalue=np.inf, issuccessful=None, allowinf=True):

sp(data, issuccessful=None) computes the sum of the function evaluations over all runs divided by the number of success, the so-called success performance which estimates the expected runtime ERT.

data -- array contains, e.g., number of function
evaluations to reach the target value
maxvalue -- number, if issuccessful is not provided, data[i]
is defined successful if it is truly smaller than maxvalue
issuccessful -- None or array of same length as data. Entry
i in data is defined successful, if issuccessful[i] is True or non-zero
allowinf -- If False, replace inf output (in case of no success)
with the sum of function evaluations.
Returns: (SP, success_rate, nb_of_successful_entries), where SP is the sum
of successful entries in data divided by the number of success.
def sp1(data, maxvalue=np.inf, issuccessful=None):

sp1(data, maxvalue=Inf, issuccessful=None) computes a mean value over successful entries in data divided by success rate, the so-called SP1

data -- array contains, e.g., number of function
evaluations to reach the target value
maxvalue -- number, if issuccessful is not provided, data[i]
is defined successful if it is truly smaller than maxvalue
issuccessful -- None or array of same length as data. Entry
i in data is defined successful, if issuccessful[i] is True or non-zero
Returns: (SP1, success_rate, nb_of_successful_entries), where
SP1 is the mean over successful entries in data divided by the success rate. SP1 equals np.inf when the success rate is zero.
def zprob(z):

Returns the area under the normal curve 'to the left of' the given z value.


  • for z<0, zprob(z) = 1-tail probability
  • for z>0, 1.0-zprob(z) = 1-tail probability
  • for any z, 2.0*(1.0-zprob(abs(z))) = 2-tail probability

Adapted from z.c in Gary Perlman's |Stat. Can handle multiple dimensions.

Usage: azprob(z) where z is a z-value

def _has_len(thing):


def _randint_derandomized_generator(low, high=None, size=None):

the generator for randint_derandomized