module documentation

Generate ERT vs param. figures.

The figures will show the performance in terms of ERT on a log scale w.r.t. parameter. On the y-axis, data is represented as a number of function evaluations. Crosses (+) give the median number of function evaluations for the smallest reached target function value (also divided by dimension). Crosses (×) give the average number of overall conducted function evaluations in case the smallest target function value (1e-8) was not reached.

Function beautify Customize figure presentation.
Function main Generates figure of ERT vs. param.
Function plot Generate plot of ERT vs param.
Function read_fun_infos Undocumented
Variable avgstyle Undocumented
Variable colors Undocumented
Variable medmarker Undocumented
Variable refcolor Undocumented
Variable styles Undocumented
def beautify():

Customize figure presentation.

def main(dsList, _targets=(10.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1e-05, 1e-08), param=('dim', 'Dimension'), is_normalized=True, outputdir='.'):

Generates figure of ERT vs. param.

This script will generate as many figures as there are functions. For a given function and a given parameter value there should be only one data set. Crosses (+) give the median number of function evaluations of successful trials for the smallest reached target function value. Crosses (x) give the average number of overall conducted function evaluations in case the smallest target function value (1e-8) was not reached.

DataSetList dsListdata sets
seq _targetstarget precisions
tuple paramparameter on x-axis. The first element has to be a string corresponding to the name of an attribute common to elements of dsList. The second element has to be a string which will be used as label for the figures. The values of attribute param have to be sortable.
bool is_normalizedif True the y values are normalized by x values
string outputdirname of output directory for the image files
def plot(dsList, param='dim', targets=(10.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1e-05, 1e-08)):

Generate plot of ERT vs param.

def read_fun_infos():


avgstyle =


colors: tuple[str, ...] =


medmarker =


refcolor: str =


styles: list =
