class documentation

The all property is an OrderedDict with all (dimension, funcId)-

tuples that have less than self.minsuccesses successes. The tuples are the dict keys, the values are the respective numbers for [evaluations, successes, trials], where evaluations are the average overall (sum of) evaluations per instance. The minimal number of desired successes can be changed at any time by re-assigning the minsuccesses attribute in which case the return value of result may change. When the success_threshold attribute is change, compute_successes has to be called to update the results. The with_budget_left property gives those entries of all which have less than budget_multiplier x dimension evaluations. The current property gives with_budget_left or all if the former is empty.

The first argument can be a folder or filename or any other string excepted by cocopp.load matching a single dataset or it can be a DataSetList.

Usage concept example:

>> run_more = DataWithFewSuccesses('folder_or_file_name_for_cocopp.load').current
>> for p in cocoex.Suite('bbob', '', ''):
..     if (p.id_function, p.dimension) not in run_more:
..         continue
..     p.observe_with(...)
..     # run solver on problem p
..     [...]


The success number is calculated with the raw_value parameter of DataSet.detSuccesses thereby bypassing successes from instance balancing copies. However it falls back with a warning when this does not work.

In the experimental setup from 2009, the used budget [evaluations per instance] is "overestimated" by a factor of three because each instance is run three times to begin with.

TODO: When in this case a DataSetList is passed instead of a folder name, we could check whether it was instantiated with genericsettings.balance_instances == False which is not the default setting. Either len(self.evals[0]) != len(self._evals[0]) or self.instance_multipliers is not None and np.any(self.instance_multipliers > 1) indicate that a balancing action was taken.

See also cocopp.load.

Method __init__ folder_name can also be a filename or a data entry or a DataSetList
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method compute_evaluations assign .evaluations as a list of overall evaluations spent per instance (on average)
Method compute_successes Assign successes attribute as a list of number of successful trials
Method print return a str with the number of data sets with too few successes
Instance Variable budget_multiplier Undocumented
Instance Variable dsl Undocumented
Instance Variable evaluations list of average evaluations per instance for each function+dimension
Instance Variable exclude Undocumented
Instance Variable input_parameters Undocumented
Instance Variable minsuccesses Undocumented
Instance Variable success_threshold Undocumented
Instance Variable successes list of successful trials, depends on success_threshold. Can be recomputed by calling compute_successes.
Instance Variable trials number of trials in each data set, for the record only
Property all depends on attributes minsuccesses and successes only
Property current OrderedDict of (function, dimension) with budget left or otherwise all
Property with_budget_left depends on attributes minsuccesses, successes, budget_multiplier and evaluations
def __init__(self, folder_name, minsuccesses=9, budget_multiplier=np.inf, success_threshold=1e-08, exclude=()):

folder_name can also be a filename or a data entry or a DataSetList

def __len__(self):


def compute_evaluations(self):

assign .evaluations as a list of overall evaluations spent per instance (on average)

for each function+dimension.

def compute_successes(self, success_threshold=None):

Assign successes attribute as a list of number of successful trials

in the data sets of self.dsl and return self. When given, reassign also the success_threshold attribute.

def print(self):

return a str with the number of data sets with too few successes

budget_multiplier =


dsl =


evaluations =

list of average evaluations per instance for each function+dimension

exclude =


input_parameters =


minsuccesses =


success_threshold =


successes =

list of successful trials, depends on success_threshold. Can be recomputed by calling compute_successes.

trials =

number of trials in each data set, for the record only

all =

depends on attributes minsuccesses and successes only

current =

OrderedDict of (function, dimension) with budget left or otherwise all

with_budget_left =