class documentation

class DataSetList(list):

Constructor: DataSetList(args, check_data_type)

View In Hierarchy

List of instances of DataSet.

This class implements some useful slicing functions.

Also it will merge data of DataSet instances that are identical (according to function __eq__ of DataSet).

Method __init__ Instantiate self from a list of folder- or filenames or DataSet instances.
Method append Redefines the append method to check for unicity.
Method by Returns a dictionary of DataSetList instances by attr_name.
Method det_best_data return a list of the number smallest evaluations over all data sets in self for each target in target_values.
Method det_best_data_lines return a list of the respective best data lines over all data sets in self for each target in target_values and an array of the computed scores (ERT if scoring_function == 'ERT').
Method dictByAlg Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by algorithm.
Method dictByAlgName Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by algorithm.
Method dictByDim Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by dimensions.
Method dictByDimFunc Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by dimensions and for each dimension by function.
Method dictByFunc Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by functions.
Method dictByFuncCons Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by objective functions (grouping over constraints).
Method dictByFuncGroup Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups.
Method dictByFuncGroupBiobjective Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups for bi-objective case.
Method dictByFuncGroupSingleObjective Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups for single objective case.
Method dictByNoise Returns a dictionary splitting noisy and non-noisy entries.
Method dictByParam Returns a dictionary of DataSetList by parameter values.
Method extend Extend with elements.
Method filter discard DataSets for which condition(dataset) is not true.
Method filtered return a list of DataSet for which condition(dataset) holds.
Method get_all_data_lines return a list of all data lines in self for each algorithm and a list of the respective computed ERTs.
Method get_reference_values_hash Undocumented
Method get_sorted_algorithms return list of the algorithms from self, sorted by minimum loss factor in the ECDF.
Method getFuncGroups Returns a dictionary of function groups.
Method info Display some information onscreen.
Method isBiobjective Undocumented
Method pickle Loop over self to pickle each element, not in use (anymore).
Method processIndexFile Reads in an index (.info?) file information on the different runs.
Method remove_if discard DataSets for which condition(self[i]) is true.
Method run_length_distributions return a dictionary with an entry for each algorithm, or for only one algorithm the dictionary value if flatten_output_dict is True, and the left envelope rld-array.
Method sort Undocumented
Instance Variable current_testbed Undocumented
def __init__(self, args=[], check_data_type=True):

Instantiate self from a list of folder- or filenames or DataSet instances.

Exceptions: Warning -- Unexpected user input. pickle.UnpicklingError

list argsstrings being either info file names, folder containing info files or pickled data files, or a list of DataSets.
def append(self, o, check_data_type='warn'):

Redefines the append method to check for unicity.

def by(self, attr_name):

Returns a dictionary of DataSetList instances by attr_name.

attr_name values are the dictionary keys and the corresponding slices (partial lists) are the values.

May in future replace some of the specific methods, for example, dsl.dictByDim() =='dim').

def det_best_data(self, target_values, fct, dim, number=15):

return a list of the number smallest evaluations over all data sets in self for each target in target_values.

Detail: currently, the minimal observed evaluation is computed instance-wise and the number "easiest" instances are returned. That is, if number is the number of instances, the best eval for each instance is returned. Also the smallest number evaluations regardless of instance are computed, but not returned.

def det_best_data_lines(self, target_values, fct, dim, scoring_function=None):

return a list of the respective best data lines over all data sets in self for each target in target_values and an array of the computed scores (ERT if scoring_function == 'ERT').

A data line is the set of evaluations from all (usually 15) runs for a given target value. The score determines which data line is "best".

If scoring_function is None, the best is determined with method detERT. Using scoring_function=lambda x: toolsstat.prctile(x, [5], ignore_nan=False) is another useful alternative.

TODO: do we want to append equal-instance lines for detEvals?

def dictByAlg(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by algorithm.

The resulting dict uses algId and comment as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByAlgName(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by algorithm.

Compared to dictByAlg, this method uses only the data folder as key and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByDim(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by dimensions.

Returns a dictionary with dimension as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByDimFunc(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by dimensions and for each dimension by function.

Returns a dictionary with dimension as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

ds = dsl.dictByDimFunc[40][2] # DataSet dimension 40 on F2
def dictByFunc(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by functions.

Returns a dictionary with the function id as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByFuncCons(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by objective functions (grouping over constraints).

Should be used only with the constrained test bed.

Returns a dictionary with the function string identifiers as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByFuncGroup(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups.

The output dictionary has function group names as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByFuncGroupBiobjective(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups for bi-objective case.

The output dictionary has function group names as keys and the corresponding slices as values.

def dictByFuncGroupSingleObjective(self):

Returns a dictionary of instances of this class by function groups for single objective case.

The output dictionary has function group names as keys and the corresponding slices as values. Current groups are based on the GECCO-BBOB 2009-2013 function testbeds.

def dictByNoise(self):

Returns a dictionary splitting noisy and non-noisy entries.

def dictByParam(self, param):

Returns a dictionary of DataSetList by parameter values.

a dictionary with values of parameter param as keys and the corresponding slices of DataSetList as values.
def extend(self, o):

Extend with elements.

This method is implemented to prevent problems since append was superseded. This method could be the origin of efficiency issue.

def filter(self, condition, verbose=0):

discard DataSets for which condition(dataset) is not true.

The filter method makes changes in place and returns None unless verbose >= 2. It does nothing if not condition or condition is True.

Example: .filter(lambda ds: ds.funcId in [1, 2] + list(range(5, 15))) keeps only the "effectively unimodal" functions of the 'bbob' suite.

Details: if verbose in [2, 3], return a list of the removed data sets.

See also: filtered, remove_if, genericsettings.filter_data_condition

def filtered(self, condition, type_='DataSetList'):

return a list of DataSet for which condition(dataset) holds.

For example, condition=lambda ds: ds.funcId in [1, 2] + list(range(5, 15)) returns for the 'bbob' suite the data sets on the "effectively unimodal" functions.

The filtered method returns an empty list if not condition and a list with all elements if condition is True (or condition=lambda ds: True). If type_ is list return a simple list. If type_ != 'DataSetList' the resulting type is a list, however this may change in future.

See also: filter

def get_all_data_lines(self, target_value, fct, dim):

return a list of all data lines in self for each algorithm and a list of the respective computed ERTs.


Get all run lengths of all trials on f1 in 20-D to reach target 1e-7:

data = dsl.get_all_data_lines(1e-7, 1, 20)[0]
flat_data = np.hstack(data)
plot(np.arange(1, 1+len(flat_data)) / len(flat_data),
     sort(flat_data))  # sorted fails on nan
def get_reference_values_hash(self):


def get_sorted_algorithms(self, dimension, target_values, fun_list=None, reference_dataset_list=None, smallest_evaluation_to_use=3):

return list of the algorithms from self, sorted by minimum loss factor in the ECDF.

Best means to be within loss of the best algorithm at at least one point of the ECDF from the functions fun_list, i.e. minimal distance to the left envelope in the semilogx plot.

target_values gives for each function-dimension pair a list of target values.

TODO: data generation via run_length_distributions and sorting should probably be separated.

def getFuncGroups(self):

Returns a dictionary of function groups.

The output dictionary has functions group names as keys and function group descriptions as values.

def info(self, opt=None):

Display some information onscreen.

string optchanges size of output, can be 'all' (default), 'short'
def isBiobjective(self):


def pickle(self, *args, **kwargs):

Loop over self to pickle each element, not in use (anymore).

def processIndexFile(self, indexFile, alg_name=None):

Reads in an index (.info?) file information on the different runs.

def remove_if(self, condition):

discard DataSets for which condition(self[i]) is true.

To remove functions f1 and f5 we can use condition=lambda ds: ds.funcId in [1, 5] which is equivalent with calling .filter(lambda ds: ds.funcId not in [1, 5]).

def run_length_distributions(self, dimension, target_values, fun_list=None, reference_data_set_list=None, reference_scoring_function=(lambda x: toolsstats.prctile(x, [5])[0]), data_per_target=15, flatten_output_dict=True, simulated_restarts=False, bootstrap=False):

return a dictionary with an entry for each algorithm, or for only one algorithm the dictionary value if flatten_output_dict is True, and the left envelope rld-array.

For each algorithm the entry contains a sorted rld-array of evaluations to reach the targets on all functions in func_list or all functions in self, the list of solved functions, the list of processed functions. If the sorted rld-array is normalized by the reference score (after sorting), the last entry is the original rld.


dsl = cocopp.load(...)  # a single algorithm
rld = dsl.run_length_distributions(10, [1e-1, 1e-3, 1e-5])
step(rld[0][0], np.linspace(0, 1, len(rld[0][0]),

TODO: change interface to return always rld_original and optional the scores to compare with such that we need to compute rld[0][0] / rld[0][-1] to get the current output?

If reference_data_set_list is not None evaluations are normalized by the reference data, however the data remain to be sorted without normalization.

simulated_restartsuse simulated trials instead of "raw" evaluations from calling DataSet.detEvals. simulated_restarts may be a bool, or a kwargs dict passed like **simulated_restarts to the method DataSet.evals_with_simulated_restarts, or it may indicate the number of simulated trials. By default, the first trial is chosen without replacement. That means, if the number of simulated trials equals to nbRuns(), the result is the same as from DataSet.detEvals, bar the ordering of the data. If bootstrap is active, the number is set to nbRuns() and the first trial is chosen with replacement.
bootstrapif bootstrap, the number of evaluations is bootstrapped within the instances/trials or via simulated restarts.
def sort(self, key1='dim', key2='funcId'):


current_testbed =
