COmparing Continuous Optimisers (COCO) post-processing package
This package (cocopp
) generates output figures and tables in html format
and for including into LaTeX-documents.
The cocopp.Interface
class contains the most basic commands and data of
the package, sufficient for most use cases.
>>> import cocopp >>> sorted(cocopp.Interface.dir()) ['archives', 'config', 'genericsettings', 'load', 'main'] >>> all(hasattr(cocopp, name) for name in cocopp.Interface.dir()) True
The main method of the cocopp
package is main
(currently aliased to
). The main
method also allows basic use of the
post-processing through a command-line interface. The recommended use
is however from an IPython/Jupyter shell:
>>> import cocopp >>> cocopp.main('exdata/my_output another_folder yet_another_or_not') # doctest:+SKIP
postprocesses data from one or several folders, for example data
generated with the help from the cocoex
module. Each folder should
contain data of a full experiment with a single algorithm. (Within the
folder the data can be distributed over subfolders).
Results can be explored from the ppdata/index.html file, unless a a different output folder is specified with the -o option.
Comparative data from over 200 full experiments are archived online and
can be listed, filtered, and retrieved from cocopp.archives
(of type
) and processed alone or together with local data.
For example
>>> cocopp.archives.bbob('bfgs') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS,+SKIP, ['2009/BFGS_...
lists all data sets containing 'bfgs' in their name. The search can also use regular expressions where '.' matches any single character and '*' means one or more repetitions:
>>> cocopp.archives.bbob('.*bfgs') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS,+SKIP, ['2009/BFGS_...
gives the same data sets as above and
>>> cocopp.archives.all('bbob/.*bfgs') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS,+SKIP, ['bbob/2009/BFGS_...
gives also the same data sets, however extracted from the archive of all
suites, which is the search domain when using cocopp.main
When calling the cocopp.main
routine, a single trailing '!' or '*'
have the special meaning of take-the-first-only and take-all, respectively.
Hence, the first entry of the above selecting list can be postprocessed with
>>> cocopp.main('bfgs!') # doctest:+SKIP
All 'bfgs'
matches from the 'bbob'
suite can be processed like
>>> cocopp.main('bbob/.*bfgs') # doctest:+SKIP
(cocopp.main('bfgs*') raises an error as data from incompatible suites cannot be processed together.)
The postprocessing result of
>>> cocopp.main('bbob/2009/*') # doctest:+SKIP
can be browsed at (or 2009-all).
To display algorithms in the background, the genericsettings.background variable needs to be set:
>>> cocopp.genericsettings.background = {None: cocopp.archives.bbob.get_all('bfgs')} # doctest:+SKIP
where None
invokes the default color (gray) and line style (solid)
Now we could compare our own data with the first 'bfgs'-matching archived algorithm where all other archived BFGS data are shown in the background with
>>> cocopp.main('exdata/my_output bfgs!') # doctest:+SKIP
Module | algportfolio |
Algorithm portfolio data set module. |
Module | archiving |
Online and offline archiving of COCO data. |
Module | bestalg |
Best algorithm dataset module |
Module | bwsettings |
This module contains settings for outputting black and white figures. |
Module | captions |
Provides basic functionality for creating figure and table captions. |
Module | cococommands |
A collection of commands for using COCO from Jupyter or IPython. |
Package | comp2 |
COmparing Continuous Optimisers (COCO) post-processing tool for comparing two algorithms: |
Package | compall |
COmparing Continuous Optimisers (COCO) post-processing tool for comparing multiple algorithms: |
Module | config |
This module is an attempt for a global configuration file for various parameters. |
Module | dataformatsettings |
No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 2/4 classes documented |
Module | findfiles |
Recursively find :file:`info` and zipped files within a directory and administer archives. |
Module | firstsession |
First session script. |
Module | genericsettings |
This module contains some global variables settings for COCO. |
Module | grayscalesettings |
This module contains settings for outputting grayscale figures. |
Module | htmldesc |
Prepares the descriptions of images and tables which will be converted to html. |
Module | old |
old line styles from genericsettings |
Module | ppconverrorbars |
Process data and generates some comparison results. |
Module | ppfig |
Generic routines for figure generation. |
Module | ppfigcons1 |
Generate performance scaling figures wrt constraints. See also: |
Module | ppfigdim |
Generate performance scaling figures. |
Module | ppfigparam |
Generate ERT vs param. figures. |
Module | pplogloss |
Module for computing ERT loss ratio |
Module | pprldistr |
For generating empirical cumulative distribution function figures. |
Module | pprldistr2009_hardest |
Generates "pprldistr2009_RLB.pickle.gz" that is used to plot, in the background, the results of the 2009 algorithms |
Module | pproc |
Raw post-processing routines. |
Module | ppsingle |
Single data set results output module. |
Module | pptable |
Module for generating tables used by |
Module | pptex |
Routines for writing TeX for tables. |
Module | preparetexforhtml |
Prepares the descriptions of images and tables which will be converted to html. |
Module | readalign |
Helper routines to read in data files. |
Module | rungeneric |
Process data to be included in a latex template. Called via |
Module | rungeneric1 |
Module for post-processing the data of one algorithm. |
Module | rungenericmany |
Process data to be included in a generic template. |
Module | sanitycheck |
Module for checking data sets. |
Module | test |
Tests the cocopp module. |
Module | testbedsettings |
No module docstring; 0/34 variable, 3/10 functions, 11/12 classes documented |
Module | toolsdivers |
Various tools. |
Module | toolsstats |
Bootstrapping and statistics routines. |
Module | __main__ |
Calls |
Module | _version |
Undocumented |
Class |
collection of the most user-relevant modules, methods and data. |