Known subclasses: cocopp.testbedsettings.GECCOBBOBTestbed, cocopp.testbedsettings.GECCOBiObjBBOBTestbed

this might become the future way to have settings related to testbeds TODO: how do we pass information from the benchmark to the post-processing?
Method info info on the testbed if fun_number is None or one-line info for function with number fun_number.
Method instantiate_attributes assign self.some_attr = class_(self.some_attr) if "some_attr" ends with any value in the suffix_list
Method filter Interface to make DataSetList or list of DataSets dsl consistent with the retrieved Testbed class(es) in rungenericmany.
def info(self, fun_number=None):
info on the testbed if fun_number is None or one-line info for function with number fun_number.
def instantiate_attributes(self, class_, suffix_list=['target_values', 'targetsOfInterest']):
assign self.some_attr = class_(self.some_attr) if "some_attr" ends with any value in the suffix_list
def filter(self, dsl):

Interface to make DataSetList or list of DataSets dsl consistent with the retrieved Testbed class(es) in rungenericmany.

Initially used for making bbob-biobj and bbob-biobj-ext suites consistent.

API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.