Module for post-processing the data of one algorithm.

Calls the function main with arguments from the command line. Executes
the postprocessing on the given files and folders arguments, using the
:file:`.info` files found recursively.

    ``python -m cocopp.rungeneric1 [OPTIONS] FOLDER``

    ``python -m cocopp.rungeneric1 --help``
Function usage Undocumented
Function main Post-processing COCO data of a single algorithm.
def usage():
def main(argv=None):
Post-processing COCO data of a single algorithm.

Provided with some data, this routine outputs figure and TeX files
in a folder needed for the compilation of the provided LaTeX templates
for one algorithm (``*article.tex`` or ``*1*.tex``).
The used template file needs to be edited so that the commands
``\bbobdatapath`` and ``\algfolder`` point to the output folder created
by this routine.

These output files will contain performance tables, performance
scaling figures and empirical cumulative distribution figures. On
subsequent executions, new files will be added to the output folder,
overwriting existing older files in the process.

Keyword arguments:

*argv* -- list of strings containing options and arguments. If not
given, sys.argv is accessed.

*argv* should list either names of :file:`info` files or folders
containing :file:`info` files. argv can also contain post-processed
:file:`pickle` files generated by this routine. Furthermore, *argv*
can begin with, in any order, facultative option flags listed below.

    -h, --help
        displays this message.
    -v, --verbose
        verbose mode, prints out all operations.
    -p, --pickle
        generates pickle post processed data files.
    -o OUTPUTDIR, --output-dir=OUTPUTDIR
        changes the default output directory (:file:`ppdata`) to
        sets the crafting effort to VALUE (float). Otherwise the
        default value of 0. will be used.
    --noise-free, --noisy
        processes only part of the data.
        changes the style of the output figures and tables. At the
        moment the only differences are  in the colors of the output
        figures. SETTINGS can be either "grayscale" or "color".
        The default setting is "color".
    --tab-only, --fig-only, --rld-only, --los-only
        these options can be used to output respectively the TeX
        tables, convergence and aRTs graphs figures, run length
        distribution figures, aRT loss ratio figures only. A
        combination of any two of these options results in no
        if this option is chosen, additionally convergence plots
        for each function and algorithm are generated.
        do not generate runlength distribution figures for each
        single function.
        runlength-based f-target values and fixed display limits,
        useful with comparatively small budgets.
        do not generate the svg figures which are used in html files
        runlength-based f-target values, such that the
        "level of difficulty" is similar for all functions. 

Exceptions raised:

*Usage* -- Gives back a usage message.


* Calling the interface from the command line::

    $ python -m cocopp.rungeneric1 -v experiment1

  will post-process the folder experiment1 and all its containing
  data, base on the .info files found in the folder. The result will
  appear in the default output folder. The -v option adds verbosity. ::

    $ python -m cocopp.rungeneric1 -o exp2 experiment2/*.info

  This will execute the post-processing on the info files found in
  :file:`experiment2`. The result will be located in the alternative
  location :file:`exp2`.

* Loading this package and calling the main from the command line
  (requires that the path to this package is in python search path)::

    $ python -m cocopp.rungeneric1 -h

  This will print out this help message.

* From the python interpreter (requires that the path to this
  package is in python search path; most simply achieved by running
  `python install-postprocessing`)::

    >> import cocopp
    >> cocopp.rungeneric1.main('-o outputfolder folder1'.split())

  This will execute the post-processing on the index files found in
  :file:`folder1`. The ``-o`` option changes the output folder from
  the default to :file:`outputfolder`.
API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.