Scatter Plots.

For two algorithms, this generates the scatter plot of log(aRT1(df)) vs.
log(aRT0(df)), where aRT0(df) is the aRT of the reference algorithm,
aRT1(df) is the aRT of the algorithm of concern, both for target
precision df.

Different symbols are used for different dimension (see
:py:data:`markers` for the order of the markers, :py:data:`colors` for
the corresponding colors).
The target precisions considered are in :py:data:`targets`: by 
default 46 targets are uniformly spread on the log-scale in

Boxes correspond to the maximum numbers of function evaluations for
each algorithm in each dimension.
Function prepare_figure_caption Undocumented
Function figure_caption Undocumented
Function beautify Undocumented
Function main Generate a scatter plot figure.
def prepare_figure_caption():
def figure_caption(for_html=False):
def beautify():
def main(dsList0, dsList1, outputdir, settings):

Generate a scatter plot figure.


API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.