Creates run length distribution figures for the comparison of 2 algorithms.
Function beautify Format the figure of the run length distribution.
Function computeERT Undocumented
Function plotLogAbs Creates ECDF of run length ratios.
Function plotLogRel Creates one run length distribution from a sequence of indexEntries.
Function main Generate figures of empirical cumulative distribution functions.
def beautify(handles):
Format the figure of the run length distribution.
def computeERT(fevals, maxevals):
def plotLogAbs(dsList0, dsList1, dim, targetValuesToReach):
Creates ECDF of run length ratios.
ParametersDataSetList dsList0reference
DataSetList dsList1data set list of algorithm of interest
int dimdimension
TargetValues targetValuesToReachtarget function values
def plotLogRel(indexEntries0, indexEntries1, isByInstance=True):

Creates one run length distribution from a sequence of indexEntries.

The function and dimension are given. Keyword arguments: indexEntries0 -- reference indexEntries1 isByInstance -- loop over the function instances instead of the functions

Outputs: res -- resulting plot. fsolved -- number of different functions solved. funcs -- number of different function considered.

def main(dsList0, dsList1, dim, targetsOfInterest=None, outputdir='', info='default'):
Generate figures of empirical cumulative distribution functions.

:param DataSetList dsList0: data set of reference algorithm
:param DataSetList dsList1: data set of algorithm of concern
:param int dim: dimension
:param TargetValues targetsOfInterest: target function values to be
:param bool isStoringXMax: if set to True, the first call BeautifyVD
                           sets the globals :py:data:`fmax` and 
                           :py:data:`maxEvals` and all subsequent
                           calls will use these values as rightmost
                           xlim in the generated figures.
:param string outputdir: output directory (must exist)
:param string info: string suffix for output file names.

Image files of the empirical cumulative distribution functions.
API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.