Depreciated (`cocopp` itself is to be used from Jupyter or IPython):
Module for using COCO from the (i)Python interpreter.

The main data structures used in COCO are :py:class:`DataSet`, which
corresponds to data of one algorithm on one problem, and
:py:class:`DataSetList`, which is for collections of :py:class:`DataSet`
instances. Both classes are implemented in :py:mod:`cocopp.pproc`.


* Start by importing :py:mod:`cocopp`::

    >>> import cocopp
    >>> cocopp.genericsettings.verbose = False # ensure to make below doctests work
    >>> def print_(*args, **kwargs): pass
    >>> cocopp.archives.bbob._print = print_  # avoid download notification

* Load a data set, assign to variable :py:data:`ds`::

    >>> path = cocopp.archives.bbob.get(4)
    >>> print('ESC'); dsl = cocopp.load(path)  # a dataset list  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    >>> ds = dsl[0]

* Get some information on a :py:class:`DataSetList` instance::

    >>> print(dsl)  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    [DataSet(BIPOP-CMA-ES on f1 2-D), DataSet(BIPOP-CMA-ES on f2 2-D),...
    144 data set(s)
    Algorithm(s): BIPOP-CMA-ES
    24 Functions with IDs 1-24
    Dimension(s): 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40
    Max evals: [1625595, 2349823, 3114271, 5884514, 12102699, 36849608]

* Get some information on a :py:class:`DataSet` instance::

    >>> print(ds)
    DataSet(BIPOP-CMA-ES on f1 2-D)
    Algorithm: BIPOP-CMA-ES
    Function ID: 1
    Dimension DIM = 2
    Number of trials: 15
    Final target Df: 1e-08
    min / max number of evals per trial: 224 / 333
       evals/DIM:  best     15%     50%     85%     max |  aRT/DIM  nsucc
      1.0e+03 |       0       0       0       0       0 |      0.5  15
      1.0e+01 |       0       0       2       8      10 |      2.9  15
      1.0e-01 |       8      13      22      38      52 |     24.2  15
      1.0e-03 |      34      48      56      74      77 |     58.2  15
      1.0e-05 |      64      70      89     100     102 |     86.1  15
      1.0e-08 |     112     116     128     150     166 |    130.9  15
Function load Create a :py:class:`DataSetList` instance from a file or folder.
Function info Display more info on an instance of DatasetList.
Function pickle Pickle a DataSetList.
Function systeminfo Display information on the system.
def load(filename):
Create a :py:class:`DataSetList` instance from a file or folder.

Input argument filename can be a single :file:`info` file name, a
single pickle filename or a folder name. In the latter case, the
folder is browsed recursively for :file:`info` or :file:`pickle`
def info(dsList):
Display more info on an instance of DatasetList.
def pickle(dsList):
Pickle a DataSetList.
def systeminfo():
Display information on the system.
API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.