Unit element of best algorithm data set.

Here unit element means for one function and one dimension.
This class is derived from :py:class:`DataSet` but it does not
inherit from it.

Class attributes:
    - funcId -- function Id (integer)
    - dim -- dimension (integer)
    - comment -- comment for the setting (string)
    - algId -- algorithm name (string)
    - evals -- collected data aligned by function values (array)
    - maxevals -- maximum number of function evaluations (array)

evals and funvals are arrays of data collected from N data sets.
Both have the same format: zero-th column is the value on which the
data of a row is aligned, the N subsequent columns are either the
numbers of function evaluations for evals or function values for

Known bug: algorithms where the aRT is NaN or Inf are not taken into
Method __init__ Instantiate one best algorithm data set with name algId.
Method __eq__ Compare indexEntry instances.
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method pickle Save instance to a pickle file.
Method createDictInstance Returns a dictionary of the instances
Method detERT Determine the average running time to reach target values.
Method detEvals Determine the number of evaluations to reach target values.
Method get_success_ratio Undocumented

Inherited from DataSet:

Method isBiobjective Undocumented
Method get_testbed_name Undocumented
Method get_data_format Undocumented
Method get_suite Undocumented
Method evals_ 0 Shall become evals attribute in future.
Method evals_ 1 Undocumented
Method evals_ Undocumented
Method consistency_check checks consistency of data set according to - number of instances - instances used
Method computeERTfromEvals Sets the attributes ert and target from the attribute evals.
Method evals_with_simulated_restarts Return a len(targets) list of samplesize "simulated" run lengths (#evaluations, sorted).
Method info print text info to stdout
Method mMaxEvals Returns the maximum number of function evaluations over all runs (trials), obsolete and replaced by attribute max_eval
Method max_eval maximum number of function evaluations over all runs (trials),
Method nbRuns Returns the number of runs.
Method createDictInstanceCount Returns a dictionary of the instances and their count.
Method splitByTrials Splits the post-processed data arrays by trials.
Method generateRLData Determine the running lengths for reaching the target values.
Method detAverageEvals Determine the average number of f-evals for each target in targets list. If a target is not reached within trial itrail, self.maxevals[itrial] contributes to the average.
Method detSuccesses Determine for each target in targets the number of successful runs, keeping in return list the order in targets.
Method detSuccessRates return a np.array with the success rate for each target in targets, easiest target first
Method plot_funvals plot data of funvals attribute, versatile
Method median_evals return median for each target, unsuccessful runs count.
Method plot plot all data from evals attribute and the median.
Method _cut_data No summary
Method _complement_data insert a line for each target value
Method _detMaxEvals computes for each data column the (maximal) evaluation until final_target was reached, or self.maxevals otherwise.
Method __parseHeader Extract data from a header line in an index entry.
Method _detEvals2 Determine the number of evaluations to reach target values.
Method _argsort return index array for a sorted order of trials.
Method _old_plot plot data from evals attribute.
def __init__(self, dict_alg, algId='Virtual Best Algorithm'):
Instantiate one best algorithm data set with name algId.

:keyword dict_alg: dictionary of datasets, keys are algorithm
                  names, values are 1-element
:keyword algId: name of the to-be-constructed algorithm as string
def __eq__(self, other):
Compare indexEntry instances.
def __ne__(self, other):
def __repr__(self):
def pickle(self, outputdir=None):

Save instance to a pickle file.

Saves the instance to a pickle file. If not specified by argument outputdir, the location of the pickle is given by the location of the first index file associated.

def createDictInstance(self):

Returns a dictionary of the instances

The key is the instance id, the value is a list of index.

def detERT(self, targets):
Determine the average running time to reach target values.
Parameterslist targetstarget function values of interest
Returnslist of average running times corresponding to the targets.
def detEvals(self, targets):
Determine the number of evaluations to reach target values.
Parametersseq targetstarget precisions
Returnslist of arrays each corresponding to one value in targets and the list of the corresponding algorithms
def get_success_ratio(self, target):
API Documentation for cocopp, generated by pydoctor at 2020-01-21 16:27:37.