class documentation

class AlgorithmList(list):

View In Hierarchy

Not in use. Not necessary when the algorithm dict is an OrderedDict anyway.

A list representing the algorithm name arguments in original order.

The method ordered_dict allows to transform an algorithm dict into an OrderedDict using the order in self.

>>> from cocopp.toolsdivers import AlgorithmList
>>> l = ['b', 'a', 'c']
>>> al = AlgorithmList(l)
>>> d = dict(zip(l[-1::-1], [1, 2, 3]))
>>> for i, name in enumerate(al.ordered_dict(d)):
...     assert name == l[i]
Method ordered_dict return algorithms_dict as OrderedDict in order of self.
def ordered_dict(self, algorithms_dict):

return algorithms_dict as OrderedDict in order of self.

Keys that are not in self are sorted using sorted.