class documentation

List of data arrays to be aligned vertically.

Aligned vertically means, all number of function evaluations are the closest from below or equal to the alignment number of function evaluations.

Method __init__ accepts a list of arrays or a MultiReader (i.e. a list of SingleReader) as input data type
Method align Undocumented
Method getInitialValue Undocumented
Method isFinished Undocumented
Method newCurrentValue Undocumented
Instance Variable idx Undocumented
Instance Variable idxData Undocumented

Inherited from MultiReader:

Class SingleReader Single data array reader class.
Method currentLine Aggregates currentLines information.
Method currentValues Gets the list of the current alignment values.
Method nextValues Gets the list of the next alignment values.
Instance Variable isHArray Undocumented
def __init__(self, data):

accepts a list of arrays or a MultiReader (i.e. a list of SingleReader) as input data type

def align(self, currentValue):


def getInitialValue(self):


def isFinished(self):


def newCurrentValue(self):


idx =


idxData =
