class documentation

store and retrieve a list of target function values:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import cocopp.pproc as pp
>>> targets = [10**i for i in np.arange(2, -8.1, -0.2)]
>>> targets_as_class = pp.TargetValues(targets)
>>> assert targets_as_class() == targets

In itself this class is useless, as it does not more than a simple list could do, but it serves as interface for derived classes, where targets() requires an actual argument targets(fun_dim).

Details: The optional argument for calling the class instance is needed to be consistent with the derived class RunlengthBasedTargetValues.

Static Method cast idempotent cast to TargetValues class type, specifically ``return TargetValues(target_values_or_class_instance)
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method label return the i-th target value as str, to be overwritten by a derived class
Method label_name Undocumented
Method labels target values as a list of str
Method loglabel return log10 of the i-th target value as str, to be overwritten by a derived class
Method loglabels log10 of the target values as a list of str
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented
Instance Variable target_values Undocumented
Property short_info Undocumented
Static Method _discretize return a "similar" list with targets in [10**i/5]
Instance Variable _short_info Undocumented
def cast(target_values_or_class_instance, *args, **kwargs):

idempotent cast to TargetValues class type, specifically ``return TargetValues(target_values_or_class_instance)

if not isinstance(target_values_or_class_instance, TargetValues) else target_values_or_class_instance``
def __call__(self, fun_dim_but_not_use=None, discretize=None):


def __init__(self, target_values, discretize=None):


def __len__(self):


def label(self, i):

return the i-th target value as str, to be overwritten by a derived class

def label_name(self):


def labels(self):

target values as a list of str

def loglabel(self, i, decimals=0):

return log10 of the i-th target value as str, to be overwritten by a derived class

def loglabels(self, decimals=0):

log10 of the target values as a list of str

__dict__ =


target_values =


short_info =


def _discretize(target_list):

return a "similar" list with targets in [10**i/5]

_short_info: str =
