class documentation

Known (and already used) remote COCO data archives.

These include the official archives from OfficialArchives.

Instance Variable listing_file Undocumented

Inherited from ListOfArchives:

Class Method register add folder path or url to list of archives.
Static Method lists Undocumented
Method __init__ print available archive lists if no listing file is given
Method remote_update join in the respective list from coco_url.rsplit('/')[0] + '/data-archives'.
Method save save current list making changes permanent
Method update update self from the listing file that may have changed
Class Variable search_folder Undocumented
Property name name of this list
Static Method _file Undocumented
Static Method _fullfile Undocumented
Static Method _name Undocumented
Method _makepathsabsolute Undocumented
Method _remove_double_entries keep the first of duplicated entries
Method _save_walk extend self by elements of _last_walk not in self and save
Method _walk recursive search for COCO data archives in folder on disk.
Instance Variable _last_walk Undocumented

Inherited from StrList (via ListOfArchives):

Method __call__ alias to find
Method find return entries that match all substrs.
Method find_indices same as find but returns indices instead of names
Method print print the result of find(*substrs) with indices.
Property as_string return space separated string concatenation surrounded by spaces.
Property found StrList of elements found during the last call to find.
Instance Variable _names_found Undocumented
listing_file =