class documentation

Allow to automatically repeat an experiment based on budget and successes.

The class tracks evaluations and the final_target_hit status ("successes") of the problem instances of a cocoex.Suite. Based on the stored information, the done method allows to run sub-experiment sweeps until some given budget is exhaused, namely, budget_multiplier * dimension.

Example code snippet:

repeater = cocoex.ExperimentRepeater(budget_multiplier)
while not repeater.done():
    for problem in suite:
        if repeater.done(problem):
        problem.observe_with(observer)  # generates the data for cocopp postprocessing
        fmin(problem, repeater.initial_solution_proposal(problem))
        repeater.track(problem)  # record evaluations and success

The call repeater.done() checks whether the budget is exhausted or enough trials were successful on all problems, or an instance lacks a trial on some problems, it is akin to, but not exactly the same as, all(repeater.done(p) for p in suite). ExperimentRepeater(0) does exactly one sweep and no repetitions.

The stored data can be queried, in which case problem can be a (id_function, dimension, id_instance) tuple. In particular, the methods evaluations, successes and trials return a list of the respective data for each instance of instances. The last entry of the argument tuple is ignored in these calls and can be None or omitted. The all method allows to query all (id_function, dimension) entries at once:

>> evals = repeater.all(repeater.evaluations)  # returns a `dict`
>> fun, dim = 1, 10
>> evals[(fun, dim)] == repeater.evaluations((fun, dim, None))

Terminology: a "problem instance" is defined by the triple (id_function, dimension, id_instance) and "problem" may refer to any or all problem instances with the same (id_function, dimension).


Only the track method relies on passing a cocoex.Problem instance, otherwise a (id_function, dimension, id_instance) tuple is eligible. The tracked information is stored in the ._data dictionary with (id_function, dimension) as keys. The data method implements safe access to this dictionary.

When problem instances are repeated in a single suite, they may be partially skipped after the first full sweep. That is, the configuration 1-5,1-5,1-5 can also lead to four trials of each instance 1-5, because all instances have been repeated the same number of times.

>>> import cocoex  # some not very meaningful testing
>>> repeater = cocoex.ExperimentRepeater(2)
>>> assert not repeater.done((1, 2))
>>> assert repeater._sweeps == 0 and not repeater.done() and repeater._sweeps == 1
>>> assert len(, 10))) == 0
>>> assert len(repeater.evaluations((1, 2))) == 0
Method __init__ min_successes=11 is default and provokes at least three
Method all return dict with method(key) as values and
Method budget_exhausted compare average evaluations per instance with budget_from_dimension
Method budget_from_dimension return budget_multiplier x ((problem.dimension or dimension) + self.offset).
Method data return reference to dict with instance as keys,
Method data_of_instance return list of (evaluations, success) of problem instance
Method done return False iff this/any problem instance remains to be (re-)run.
Method evaluations return list of summed evaluations per problem instance
Method initial_solution_proposal return allzeros in the first of any nonzero_odds + 1 trials
Method instances return list of instance IDs tracked for (id_function, dimension) of problem.
Method message_sweep return status message and '' when nothing was tracked yet
Method missing_trials return number of missing trials for this problem instance
Method n_problem_instances number of problem instances (of problem) with at least one trial
Method n_trials current number of tracked trials from all instances (of problem)
Method problem_to_ids return (id_function, dimension, id_instance) of problem
Method remaining_problems return list of (probably) remaining problem instances to run.
Method succeeded return True iff problem had at least min_success successes
Method successes return list of successes per instance
Method track record problem instance evaluations and success (target hit)
Method trials return list of number of recorded trials for each instance
Instance Variable max_sweeps Undocumented
Instance Variable min_successes Undocumented
Instance Variable params Undocumented
Property n_problems current number of tracked problems (different (id_function, dimension))
Method _assert_consistencies Undocumented
Method _check check problem to avoid kernel crashes, raise ValueError
Method _empty_data should always return an empty list, called in the data method
Method _n_instance_data Undocumented
Method _to_key return data-key of problem, namely (id_function, dimension)
Instance Variable _calls Undocumented
Instance Variable _data a dict[(fun, dim)] of dict[iinst] of list of (evaluations, success) tuples
Instance Variable _dimension_offset budget = (dimension + offset) * budget_multiplier
Instance Variable _sweeps Undocumented
def __init__(self, budget_multiplier, min_successes=None):

min_successes=11 is default and provokes at least three

sweeps when the suite has (only) 5 instance and the budget_multiplier is large enough such that the algorithm terminates the second sweep before the overall budget is exhausted. This would emulate the 3 x 1-5 instance-setup from BBOB 2009, however the choice of the initial solution still slightly differs.

def all(self, method):

return dict with method(key) as values and

with all (id_function, dimension) as keys.

Works with the instance methods evaluations, successes, budget_exhausted, trials, or instances as argument or the respective strings.

def budget_exhausted(self, problem):

compare average evaluations per instance with budget_from_dimension

def budget_from_dimension(self, problem_or_dimension):

return budget_multiplier x ((problem.dimension or dimension) + self.offset).

By default, offset == 0.

def data(self, problem):

return reference to dict with instance as keys,

where nonexisting entries are returned as empty but not permanently created.

def data_of_instance(self, problem):

return list of (evaluations, success) of problem instance

def done(self, problem=None, message=True):

return False iff this/any problem instance remains to be (re-)run.

When problem is not None, return True if this problem instance does not require another trial, however False as long as done has not been called twice without argument (thereby assuming that the loop starts with while repeater.done()).

When problem is None, return True if no single recorded problem requires another trial.

Return invariably False before the second call of done() without argument, which is considered to happen right before the second sweep when the first sweep is finished.


done() without argument gives only consistent results before or after a full first sweep. In particular, during the first sweep it cannot account for problems that have not yet been run once.

Calling done() increments the sweep counter iff it returns False, the default for max_sweeps is 1e4. The attribute can be directly reassigned at any time.

See also: remaining_problems

def evaluations(self, problem):

return list of summed evaluations per problem instance

def initial_solution_proposal(self, problem, nonzero_odds=14):

return allzeros in the first of any nonzero_odds + 1 trials

if nonzero_odds > 0, and otherwise problem.initial_solution_proposal(#trials_done + 1).

def instances(self, problem):

return list of instance IDs tracked for (id_function, dimension) of problem.

Instance IDs are the keys for the dictionary.

def message_sweep(self):

return status message and '' when nothing was tracked yet

def missing_trials(self, problem):

return number of missing trials for this problem instance

compared to the other instances of the same problem or 1 when no trials were found at all.

def n_problem_instances(self, problem=None):

number of problem instances (of problem) with at least one trial

def n_trials(self, problem=None):

current number of tracked trials from all instances (of problem)

def problem_to_ids(self, problem):

return (id_function, dimension, id_instance) of problem

def remaining_problems(self, suite=None):

return list of (probably) remaining problem instances to run.

suite, when given, compares the recorded experiments with the problem instances in the suite to determine what remains. The suite argument is bound to give unexpected results when some of the problems from suite are skipped to be run with other batches, e.g., in parallel.

See also: done

def succeeded(self, problem):

return True iff problem had at least min_success successes

def successes(self, problem):

return list of successes per instance

def track(self, problem):

record problem instance evaluations and success (target hit)

def trials(self, problem, instance=None):

return list of number of recorded trials for each instance

if instance is None, otherwise for the given instance only.

max_sweeps: float =


min_successes =


params =


n_problems =

current number of tracked problems (different (id_function, dimension))

def _assert_consistencies(self):


def _check(self, problem):

check problem to avoid kernel crashes, raise ValueError

def _empty_data(self, problem=None):

should always return an empty list, called in the data method

def _n_instance_data(self, problem):


def _to_key(self, problem):

return data-key of problem, namely (id_function, dimension)

_calls: int =


_data =

a dict[(fun, dim)] of dict[iinst] of list of (evaluations, success) tuples

_dimension_offset: int =

budget = (dimension + offset) * budget_multiplier

_sweeps: int =
