class documentation

class SboxCostJOINEDTestbed(SBOXCOSTTestbed):

Constructor: SboxCostJOINEDTestbed(targetValues)

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable reference_algorithm_displayname Undocumented
Instance Variable reference_algorithm_filename Undocumented

Inherited from SBOXCOSTTestbed:

Instance Variable instancesOfInterest Undocumented

Inherited from GECCOBBOBTestbed (via SBOXCOSTTestbed):

Method filter Updates the dimensions in all of dsl's entries if both bbob and bbob-largescale data is in dsl and sets the corresponding suite to BBOBLargeScaleJOINEDTestbed in this case.
Class Variable dimsOfInterest Undocumented
Class Variable pptable_target_runlengths Undocumented
Class Variable pptable_targetsOfInterest Undocumented
Class Variable settings Undocumented
Class Variable shortinfo_filename Undocumented

Inherited from Testbed (via SBOXCOSTTestbed, GECCOBBOBTestbed):

Static Method number_of_constraints Undocumented
Method info info on the testbed if fun_number is None or one-line info for function with number fun_number.
Method instantiate_attributes assign self.some_attr = class_(self.some_attr) if "some_attr" ends with any value in the suffix_list
Class Variable has_constraints Undocumented
Class Variable instances_are_uniform False for biobjective suites, used (so far only) for simulated restarts in pprldmany
Property string_evals Undocumented
Property string_evals_legend Undocumented
Property string_evals_short Undocumented
def __init__(self, targetValues):
name: str =
reference_algorithm_displayname: str =
reference_algorithm_filename: str =