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Table showing the aRT in number of function evaluations divided by the best aRT measured during BBOB-2009

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Previous dimension | Dimension = 20 | Next dimension

Previous dimension | Dimension = 40 | First dimension

Average runtime (aRT in number of function evaluations) divided by the respective best aRT measured during BBOB-2009 in different dimensions. The aRT and in braces, as dispersion measure, the half difference between 10 and 90%-tile of bootstrapped run lengths appear for each algorithm and target, the corresponding reference aRT  in the first row. The different target ∆f-values are shown in the top row. #succ is the number of trials that reached the (final) target fopt+ 10−8. The median number of conducted function evaluations is additionally given in italics, if the target in the last column was never reached. Entries, succeeded by a star, are statistically significantly better (according to the rank-sum test) when compared to all other algorithms of the table, with p = 0.05 or p = 10−k when the number k following the star is larger than 1, with Bonferroni correction by the number of functions (24). A ↓ indicates the same tested against the best algorithm from BBOB 2009. Best results are printed in bold.
Data produced with COCO v2.2.1.125