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Scaling of run "time" with dimension

Expected running time (ERT in number of f−evaluations as log10 value), divided by dimension for target function value 10−8 versus dimension. Slanted grid lines indicate quadratic scaling with the dimension. Different symbols correspond to different algorithms given in the legend of f1 and f24. Light symbols give the maximum number of evaluations from the longest trial divided by dimension. Black stars (if present) indicate a better result compared to all other algorithms with p < 0.01 and Bonferroni correction number of dimensions (six). Legend: ○: ALPS hornby noiseless, ♢: AMALGAM bosman noiseless, ☆: BAYEDA gallagher noiseless, +: BFGS ros noiseless, ▼: BIPOP-CMA-ES hansen noiseless, x: CMA-ESPLUSSEL auger noiseless, △: Cauchy-EDA posik noiseless, ◇: DASA korosec noiseless, ◁: DE-PSO garcia-nieto noiseless, ▷: DIRECT posik noiseless, ⬠: EDA-PSO el-abd noiseless, ♢: FULLNEWUOA ros noiseless, ☆: G3PCX posik noiseless, +: GA nicolau noiseless, ○: GLOBAL pal noiseless, ▼: IPOP-SEP-CMA-ES ros noiseless, x: LSfminbnd posik noiseless, △: LSstep posik noiseless, ◇: MA-LS-CHAIN molina noiseless, ◁: MCS huyer noiseless, ▷: NELDERDOERR doerr noiseless, ⬡: NELDER hansen noiseless, ○: NEWUOA ros noiseless, ♢: ONEFIFTH auger noiseless, ☆: POEMS kubalik noiseless, +: PSO Bounds el-abd noiseless, ⬠: PSO el-abd noiseless, ▼: RANDOMSEARCH auger noiseless, x: Rosenbrock posik noiseless, △: VNS garcia-martinez noiseless, ◇: iAMALGAM bosman noiseless