package documentation

Experimentation module of the COCO - COmparing Continuous Optimizers - framework.

The module provides benchmark test beds in the Suite class and output data facilities in the Observer class.

See the documentation of the Suite class:

>>> import cocoex as ex
>>> help(ex.Suite)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Help on class Suite...
>>> print(ex.known_suite_names)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

A more complete example use case can be found in the file.

Module exceptions Undocumented
Module solvers No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module utilities No module docstring; 4/4 functions, 5/5 classes documented


Class ​Observer Observer which can be "attached to" one or several problems, however not necessarily at the same time.
Class ​Problem Problem instances are usually generated using class Suite.
Class ​Suite Suite of benchmark problems.
Function default​_observers return a map from suite names to default observer names.
Function log​_level log_level(level=None) return current log level and set new log level if level is not None and level.
Variable __version__ Undocumented
Variable ​_default​_observers Undocumented
__version__ =


def default_observers(update=None):

return a map from suite names to default observer names.

This function can also be used to update this map using a dict or a list of key-value pairs.

_default_observers: dict[str, str] =


def log_level(level=None):
log_level(level=None) return current log level and set new log level if level is not None and level.
levelmust be 'error' or 'warning' or 'info' or 'debug', listed with increasing verbosity, or '' which doesn't change anything.