.. title:: COCO: The Bi-objective Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking (bbob-biobj) Test Suite $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ COCO: The Bi-objective Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking (``bbob-biobj``) Test Suite $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .. the next two lines are necessary in LaTeX. They will be automatically replaced to put away the \chapter level as ??? and let the "current" level become \section. .. CHAPTERTITLE .. CHAPTERUNDERLINE .. | .. | .. .. sectnum:: :depth: 3 :numbered: .. .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 .. | .. | .. raw:: html See also: ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1604.00359, 2016. .. raw:: latex % \tableofcontents TOC is automatic with sphinx and moved behind abstract by swap...py \begin{abstract} Several test function suites for numerical benchmarking of multiobjective optimization algorithms have been proposed in recent years. While having desirable properties like well-understood Pareto sets and Pareto fronts with shapes of various kinds, most of the currently used functions posess properties which are arguably under-represented in real-world problems. Those properties mainly stem from the easier construction of such problems---overrepresenting properties such as no dependencies between variables, Pareto sets exactly located at the bound constraints, or the differentiation between position and distance variables. Here, we propose an alternative way and define the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite with 55 bi-objective functions and its extended ``bbob-biobj-ext`` version with 92 bi-objective functions in continuous domain which are both derived from combining functions of the well-known single-objective noiseless ``bbob`` test suite. Besides giving the actual function definitions and presenting their (known) properties, this documentation also aims at giving the rationale behind our approach in terms of function groups, instances, and potential objective space normalization. .. raw:: latex \end{abstract} \newpage .. old

The bbob-biobj test suite contains 55 bi-objective functions in continuous domain which are derived from combining functions of the well-known single-objective noiseless bbob test suite. It will be used as the main test suite of the upcoming BBOB-2016 workshop at GECCO. Besides giving the actual function definitions and presenting their (known) properties, this documentation also aims at giving the rationale behind our approach in terms of function groups, instances, and objective space normalization.

.. old The ``bbob-biobj`` test suite contains 55 bi-objective functions in continuous domain which are derived from combining functions of the well-known single-objective noiseless ``bbob`` test suite. It will be used as the main test suite of the upcoming `BBOB-2016 workshop `_ at GECCO. Besides giving the actual function definitions and presenting their (known) properties, this documentation also aims at summarizing the state-of-the-art in multi-objective black-box benchmarking, at giving the rational behind our approach, and at providing a simple tutorial on how to use these functions for actual benchmarking within the COCO_ framework. .. _COCO: https://github.com/numbbo/coco .. _COCOold: https://web.archive.org/web/20200812230823/https://coco.gforge.inria.fr/ .. |coco_problem_t| replace:: ``coco_problem_t`` .. _coco_problem_t: http://numbbo.github.io/coco-doc/C/coco_8h.html#a408ba01b98c78bf5be3df36562d99478 .. summarizing the state-of-the-art in multi-objective black-box benchmarking, at .. and at providing a simple tutorial on how to use these functions for actual benchmarking within the COCO_ framework. .. figure:: _figs/examples-bbob-biobj.* :scale: 60 :align: center Example plots of the Pareto front approximation, found by NSGA-II on selected ``bbob-biobj`` functions. In blue the non-dominated points at the end of different independent runs, in red the points that are non-dominated over all runs. .. Tea: f_1 and f_2 should be replaced by f_\alpha and f_\beta in all plots. Also, instead of "f16 :" do "f16: " .. ################################################################################# .. ################################################################################# .. ################################################################################# .. Introduction ============ .. todo:: will contain the argumentation in favor of a ``bbob-biobj`` test suite and an extensive review of the state-of-the art in multiobjective test functions Preliminaries, Definitions, and Scope ===================================== In the following, we consider bi-objective, unconstrained **minimization** problems of the form .. math:: \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^n} f(x)=(f_\alpha(x),f_\beta(x)), where :math:`n` is the number of variables of the problem (also called the problem dimension), :math:`f_\alpha: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}` and :math:`f_\beta: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}` are the two objective functions, and the :math:`\min` operator is related to the standard *dominance relation*. A solution :math:`x\in\mathbb{R}^n` is thereby said to *dominate* another solution :math:`y\in\mathbb{R}^n` if :math:`f_\alpha(x) \leq f_\alpha(y)` and :math:`f_\beta(x) \leq f_\beta(y)` hold and at least one of the inequalities is strict. Solutions which are not dominated by any other solution in the search space are called *Pareto-optimal* or *efficient solutions*. All Pareto-optimal solutions constitute the *Pareto set* of which an approximation is sought. The Pareto set's image in the objective space :math:`f(\mathbb{R}^n)` is called *Pareto front*. The objective of the minimization problem is to find, with as few evaluations of |f| as possible, a set of non-dominated solutions which is (i) as large as possible and (ii) has |f|-values as close to the Pareto front as possible. [#]_ .. [#] Distance in |f|-space is defined here such that nadir and ideal point have in each coordinate distance one. Neither of these points is however freely accessible to the optimization algorithm. .. Niko: here is my take on the footnote: 1/3 of the readers know the concepts and will get informed by this footnote (it answers precisely the question I would ask at this point reading the doc). 1/3 of the readers will understand that it is a good idea to learn about the concepts of nadir and ideal point, which it is. It will increase their incentive to check out the next section more carefully. 1/3 of the readers won't get anything and move on. .. TODO: we should change this footnote if we, as planned, provide the nadir to the optimization algorithms! .. |f| replace:: :math:`f` In the following, we remind useful definitions. *function instance, problem* Each function :math:`f^\theta: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m` within COCO_ is parametrized with parameter values :math:`\theta \in \Theta`. A parameter value determines a so-called *function instance*. For example, :math:`\theta` encodes the location of the optimum of single-objective functions, which means that different instances have shifted optima. In the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite, :math:`m=2` and the function instances are determined by the instances of the underlying single-objective functions. A *problem* is a function instance of a specific dimension :math:`n`. *ideal point* The ideal point is defined as the vector in objective space that contains the optimal |f|-value for each objective *independently*. More precisely let :math:`f_\alpha^{\rm opt}:= \inf_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n} f_\alpha(x)` and :math:`f_\beta^{\rm opt}:= \inf_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n} f_\beta(x)`, the ideal point is given by .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation*} z_{\rm ideal} = (f_\alpha^{\rm opt},f_\beta^{\rm opt}). \end{equation*} *nadir point* The *nadir point* (in objective space) consists in each objective of the worst value obtained by a Pareto-optimal solution. More precisely, let :math:`\mathcal{PO}` be the set of Pareto optimal points. Then the nadir point satisfies .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation*} z_{\rm nadir} = \left( \sup_{x \in \mathcal{PO}} f_\alpha(x), \sup_{x \in \mathcal{PO}} f_\beta(x) \right). \end{equation*} In the case of two objectives with a unique global minimum each (that is, a single point in the search space maps to the global minimum) .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation*} z_{\rm nadir} = \left( f_\alpha(x_{\rm opt,\beta}), f_\beta(x_{\rm opt,\alpha}) \right), \end{equation*} where :math:`x_{\rm opt,\alpha}= \arg \min f_\alpha(x)` and :math:`x_{\rm opt,\beta}= \arg \min f_\beta(x)`. Overview of the Proposed ``bbob-biobj`` Test Suite ================================================== The ``bbob-biobj`` test suite provides 55 bi-objective functions in six dimensions (2, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40) with a large number of possible instances. The 55 functions are derived from combining a subset of the 24 well-known single-objective functions of the ``bbob`` test suite [HAN2009]_ which has been used since 2009 in the `BBOB workshop series`__. While concrete details on each of the 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions are given in Section :ref:`sec-test-functions`, we will detail here the main rationale behind them together with their common properties. __ http://numbbo.github.io/workshops The Single-objective ``bbob`` Functions --------------------------------------- The ``bbob-biobj`` test suite is designed to be able to assess performance of algorithms with respect to well-identified difficulties in optimization typically occurring in real-world problems. A multi-objective problem being a combination of single-objective problems, one can obtain multi-objective problems with representative difficulties by simply combining single objective functions with representative difficulties observed in real-world problems. For this purpose we naturally use the single-objective ``bbob`` suite [HAN2009]_. Combining all 24 ``bbob`` functions in pairs thereby results in :math:`24^2=576` bi-objective functions overall. We however assume that multi-objective optimization algorithms are not sensitive to permutations of the objective functions such that combining the 24 ``bbob`` functions and taking out the function :math:`(g_2,g_1)` if the function :math:`(g_1,g_2)` is present results in :math:`24 + {24 \choose 2} = 24 + (24\times 23)/2 = (24\times 25)/2 = 300` functions. .. Given that most (if not all) multi-objective optimization algorithms are .. invariant to permutations of the objective functions, a bi-objective .. function combining for example the sphere function as the first .. objective with the Rastrigin function as the second objective will .. result in the same performance than if the Rastrigin function is the .. first and the sphere function is the second objective function. .. Hence, we should keep only one of the resulting .. bi-objective functions. Combining then all 24 ``bbob`` functions .. The first objective is chosen as ``bbob`` function *i* and the second as ``bbob`` function *j* with *i* :math:`\leq` *j*, resulting in :math:`24+ {24 \choose 2} = 300` functions. Some first tests, e.g. in [BRO2015]_, showed that having 300 functions is impracticable in terms of the overall running time of the benchmarking experiment. We then decided to exploit the organization of the ``bbob`` functions into classes to choose a subset of functions. More precisely, the 24 original ``bbob`` functions are grouped into five function classes where each class gathers functions with similar properties, namely 1. separable functions 2. functions with low or moderate conditioning 3. functions with high conditioning and unimodal 4. multi-modal functions with adequate global structure, 5. multi-modal functions with weak global structure. To create the ``bbob-biobj`` suite, we choose two functions within each class. This way we do not introduce any bias towards a specific class. In addition within each class, the functions are chosen to be the most representative without repeating similar functions. For example, only one Ellipsoid, one Rastrigin, and one Gallagher function are included in the ``bbob-biobj`` suite although they appear in separate versions in the ``bbob`` suite. Finally our choice of 10 ``bbob`` functions for creating the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite is the following: .. We chose two functions within each class .. consider only the following 10 of the 24 ``bbob`` .. functions: .. The above ten ``bbob`` functions have been chosen for the creation .. of the ``bbob-biobj`` suite in a way to not introduce any bias .. towards a specific class .. by choosing exactly two functions per ``bbob`` function class. .. Within each class, the functions were chosen to be the most .. representative without repeating similar functions. For example, .. only one Ellipsoid, one Rastrigin, and one Gallagher function are .. included in the ``bbob-biobj`` suite although they appear in .. separate versions in the ``bbob`` suite. .. |f`1` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_1` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`1` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=5 .. |f`2` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_2` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`2` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=10 .. |f`6` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_6` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`6` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=30 .. |f`8` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_8` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`8` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=40 .. |f`13` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{13}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`13` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=65 .. |f`14` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{14}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`14` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=70 .. |f`15` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{15}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`15` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=75 .. |f`17` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{17}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`17` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=85 .. |f`20` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{20}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`20` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=100 .. |f`21` in the bbob suite| replace:: :math:`f_{21}` in the ``bbob`` suite .. _f`21` in the bbob suite: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=105 .. |bbob suite| replace:: ``bbob`` suite .. _bbob suite: https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00362633 * Separable functions - Sphere (function 1 in |bbob suite|_) - Ellipsoid separable (function 2 in |bbob suite|_) * Functions with low or moderate conditioning - Attractive sector (function 6 in |bbob suite|_) - Rosenbrock original (function 8 in |bbob suite|_) * Functions with high conditioning and unimodal - Sharp ridge (function 13 in |bbob suite|_) - Sum of different powers (function 14 in |bbob suite|_) * Multi-modal functions with adequate global structure - Rastrigin (function 15 in |bbob suite|_) - Schaffer F7, condition 10 (function 17 in |bbob suite|_) * Multi-modal functions with weak global structure - Schwefel x*sin(x) (function 20 in |bbob suite|_) - Gallagher 101 peaks (function 21 in |bbob suite|_) Using the above described pairwise combinations, this results in having :math:`10+{10 \choose 2} = 55` bi-objective functions in the final `bbob-biobj` suite. These functions are denoted :math:`f_1` to :math:`f_{55}` in the sequel. .. The next section gives the .. reasoning behind choosing exactly these 10 functions. Function Groups --------------------------------------------------------------- From combining the original ``bbob`` function classes, we obtain 15 function classes to structure the 55 bi-objective functions of the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite. Each function class contains three or four functions. We are listing below the function classes and in parenthesis the functions that belong to the respective class: 1. separable - separable (functions :math:`f_1`, :math:`f_2`, :math:`f_{11}`) 2. separable - moderate (:math:`f_3`, :math:`f_4`, :math:`f_{12}`, :math:`f_{13}`) 3. separable - ill-conditioned (:math:`f_5`, :math:`f_6`, :math:`f_{14}`, :math:`f_{15}`) 4. separable - multi-modal (:math:`f_7`, :math:`f_8`, :math:`f_{16}`, :math:`f_{17}`) 5. separable - weakly-structured (:math:`f_9`, :math:`f_{10}`, :math:`f_{18}`, :math:`f_{19}`) 6. moderate - moderate (:math:`f_{20}`, :math:`f_{21}`, :math:`f_{28}`) 7. moderate - ill-conditioned (:math:`f_{22}`, :math:`f_{23}`, :math:`f_{29}`, :math:`f_{30}`) 8. moderate - multi-modal (:math:`f_{24}`, :math:`f_{25}`, :math:`f_{31}`, :math:`f_{32}`) 9. moderate - weakly-structured (:math:`f_{26}`, :math:`f_{27}`, :math:`f_{33}`, :math:`f_{34}`) 10. ill-conditioned - ill-conditioned (:math:`f_{35}`, :math:`f_{36}`, :math:`f_{41}`) 11. ill-conditioned - multi-modal (:math:`f_{37}`, :math:`f_{38}`, :math:`f_{42}`, :math:`f_{43}`) 12. ill-conditioned - weakly-structured (:math:`f_{39}`, :math:`f_{40}`, :math:`f_{44}`, :math:`f_{45}`) 13. multi-modal - multi-modal (:math:`f_{46}`, :math:`f_{47}`, :math:`f_{50}`) 14. multi-modal - weakly structured (:math:`f_{48}`, :math:`f_{49}`, :math:`f_{51}`, :math:`f_{52}`) 15. weakly structured - weakly structured (:math:`f_{53}`, :math:`f_{54}`, :math:`f_{55}`) .. The original ``bbob`` function classes also allow to group the .. 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions, dependend on the .. classes of the individual objective functions. Depending .. on whether two functions of the same class are combined .. or not, these resulting 15 new function classes contain three .. or four functions: More details about the single functions can be found in Section :ref:`sec-test-functions`. We however first describe their common properties in the coming sections. Normalization of Objectives ------------------------------------ None of the 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions is explicitly normalized and the optimization algorithms therefore have to cope with objective values in different ranges. Typically, different orders of magnitude between the objective values can be observed. However, to facilitate comparison of algorithm performance over different functions, we normalize the objectives based on the ideal and nadir points before calculating the hypervolume indicator [BRO2016biperf]_. Both points can be computed, because the global optimum is known and is unique for the 10 ``bbob`` base functions. In the black-box optimization benchmarking setup, however, the values of the ideal and nadir points are not accessible to the optimization algorithm [HAN2016ex]_. .. deleted: a normalization can take place as both the ideal and the nadir point are known internally. .. Note that, for example, the ``bbob-biobj`` observer of .. the `Coco framework`_ takes this into account and normalizes the objective .. space, see the `bbob-biobj-specific performance assessment documentation .. `_ for .. details. .. deleted: The reasons for having knowledge about the location of both the ideal and the nadir point are * the definitions of the single-objective ``bbob`` test functions for which the optimal function value and the optimal solution are known by design and * the fact that we explicitly chose only functions from the original ``bbob`` test suite which have a unique optimum. .. deleted (this was a repetition from a previous section) The ideal point is then always given by the objective vector :math:`(f_\alpha(x_{\text{opt},\alpha}), f_\beta(x_{\text{opt},\beta}))` and the nadir point by the objective vector :math:`(f_\alpha(x_{\text{opt},\beta}), f_\beta(x_{\text{opt},\alpha}))` with :math:`x_{\text{opt},\alpha}` being the optimal solution for the first objective function :math:`f_\alpha` and :math:`x_{\text{opt},\beta}` being the optimal solution for the second objective function :math:`f_\beta`. Note that in the black-box case, we typically assume for the functions provided with the `Coco framework`_, that information about ideal and nadir points, scaling etc. is not provided to the algorithm. .. .. note:: TODO: put back in once this is implemented!!! What is available to the algorithm, however, is an upper bound on the region of interest in objective space, in other words, COCO_ provides the reference point of its hypervolume calculation (non-normalized in objective space) as this upper bound [BRO2016biperf]_. Instances --------- Our test functions are parametrized and instances are instantiations of the underlying parameters (see [HAN2016co]_). The instances for the bi-objective functions are obtained using instances of each single objective function composing the bi-objective one. In addition, we assert two conditions: 1. The Euclidean distance between the two single-objective optima (also called the extreme optimal points) in the search space is at least :math:`10^{-4}`. 2. The Euclidean distance between the ideal and the nadir point in the non-normalized objective space is at least :math:`10^{-1}`. .. Instances are the way in the `Coco framework`_ to perform multiple .. algorithm runs on the same function. More concretely, the original .. Coco documentation states .. :: .. All functions can be instantiated in different *versions* (with .. different location of the global optimum and different optimal .. function value). Overall *Ntrial* runs are conducted on different .. instantiations. .. Also in the bi-objective case, we provide the idea of instances by .. relying on the instances provided within the single-objective .. ``bbob`` suite. .. However, in addition, we assert that We associate to an instance, an instance-id which is an integer. The relation between the instance-id, :math:`K^{f}_{\rm id}`, of a bi-objective function :math:`f = (f_\alpha, f_\beta)` and the instance-ids, :math:`K_{\rm id}^{f_\alpha}` and :math:`K_{\rm id}^{f_\beta}`, of its underlying single-objective functions :math:`f_\alpha` and :math:`f_\beta` is the following: * :math:`K_{\rm id}^{f_\alpha} = 2 K^{f}_{\rm id} + 1` and * :math:`K_{\rm id}^{f_\beta} = K_{\rm id}^{f_\alpha} + 1` If we find that above conditions are not satisfied for all dimensions and functions in the ``bbob-biobj`` suite, we increase the instance-id of the second objective successively until both properties are fulfilled. For example, the ``bbob-biobj`` instance-id 8 corresponds to the instance-id 17 for the first objective and instance-id 18 for the second objective while for the ``bbob-biobj`` instance-id 9, the first instance-id is 19 but for the second objective, instance-id 21 is chosen instead of instance-id 20. Exceptions to the above rule are, for historical reasons, the ``bbob-biobj`` instance-ids 1 and 2 in order to match the instance-ids 1 to 5 with the ones proposed in [BRO2015]_. The ``bbob-biobj`` instance-id 1 contains the single-objective instance-ids 2 and 4 and the ``bbob-biobj`` instance-id 2 contains the two instance-ids 3 and 5. For each bi-objective function and given dimension, the ``bbob-biobj`` suite contains 10 instances. [#]_ .. [#] In principle, as for the instance generation for the ``bbob`` suite, the number of possible instances for the ``bbob-biobj`` suite is unlimited [HAN2016co]_. However, running some tests with too few instances will render the potential statistics and their interpretation problematic while even the tiniest observed difference can be made statistically significant with a high enough number of instances. A good compromise to avoid either pitfall seems to lie between, say, 9 and 19 instances. .. Thus, we recommend to use between 5 to 15 instances for the actual benchmarking. .. The user doesn't actually have a choice. .. Tea: At this point I'm missing some discussion on how in the bi-objective case instances can affect more than just the "location of the optimum". .. _sec-test-functions: The ``bbob-biobj`` Test Functions and Their Properties ====================================================== In the following, we detail all 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions and their properties. The following table gives an overview and quick access to the functions, inner cell IDs refer to the ``bbob-biobj`` functions, outer column and row annotations refer to the single-objective ``bbob`` functions. +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | ||fb1|_ ||fb2|_ ||fb6|_ ||fb8|_ ||fb13|_||fb14|_||fb15|_||fb17|_||fb20|_||fb21|_| +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb1|_ | |f1| | |f2| | |f3| | |f4| | |f5| | |f6| | |f7| | |f8| | |f9| | |f10| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb2|_ | | |f11| | |f12| | |f13| | |f14| | |f15| | |f16| | |f17| | |f18| | |f19| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb6|_ | | | |f20| | |f21| | |f22| | |f23| | |f24| | |f25| | |f26| | |f27| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb8|_ | | | | |f28| | |f29| | |f30| | |f31| | |f32| | |f33| | |f34| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb13|_| | | | | |f35| | |f36| | |f37| | |f38| | |f39| | |f40| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb14|_| | | | | | |f41| | |f42| | |f43| | |f44| | |f45| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb15|_| | | | | | | |f46| | |f47| | |f48| | |f49| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb17|_| | | | | | | | |f50| | |f51| | |f52| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb20|_| | | | | | | | | |f53| | |f54| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb21|_| | | | | | | | | | |f55| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ .. |fb1| replace:: :math:`f_1` .. _fb1: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=5 .. |fb2| replace:: :math:`f_2` .. _fb2: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=10 .. |fb6| replace:: :math:`f_6` .. _fb6: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=30 .. |fb8| replace:: :math:`f_8` .. _fb8: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=40 .. |fb13| replace:: :math:`f_{13}` .. _fb13: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=65 .. |fb14| replace:: :math:`f_{14}` .. _fb14: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=70 .. |fb15| replace:: :math:`f_{15}` .. _fb15: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=75 .. |fb17| replace:: :math:`f_{17}` .. _fb17: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=85 .. |fb20| replace:: :math:`f_{20}` .. _fb20: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=100 .. |fb21| replace:: :math:`f_{21}` .. _fb21: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=105 .. |f1| replace:: :ref:`f1 ` .. |f2| replace:: :ref:`f2 ` .. |f3| replace:: :ref:`f3 ` .. |f4| replace:: :ref:`f4 ` .. |f5| replace:: :ref:`f5 ` .. |f6| replace:: :ref:`f6 ` .. |f7| replace:: :ref:`f7 ` .. |f8| replace:: :ref:`f8 ` .. |f9| replace:: :ref:`f9 ` .. |f10| replace:: :ref:`f10 ` .. |f11| replace:: :ref:`f11 ` .. |f12| replace:: :ref:`f12 ` .. |f13| replace:: :ref:`f13 ` .. |f14| replace:: :ref:`f14 ` .. |f15| replace:: :ref:`f15 ` .. |f16| replace:: :ref:`f16 ` .. |f17| replace:: :ref:`f17 ` .. |f18| replace:: :ref:`f18 ` .. |f19| replace:: :ref:`f19 ` .. |f20| replace:: :ref:`f20 ` .. |f21| replace:: :ref:`f21 ` .. |f22| replace:: :ref:`f22 ` .. |f23| replace:: :ref:`f23 ` .. |f24| replace:: :ref:`f24 ` .. |f25| replace:: :ref:`f25 ` .. |f26| replace:: :ref:`f26 ` .. |f27| replace:: :ref:`f27 ` .. |f28| replace:: :ref:`f28 ` .. |f29| replace:: :ref:`f29 ` .. |f30| replace:: :ref:`f30 ` .. |f31| replace:: :ref:`f31 ` .. |f32| replace:: :ref:`f32 ` .. |f33| replace:: :ref:`f33 ` .. |f34| replace:: :ref:`f34 ` .. |f35| replace:: :ref:`f35 ` .. |f36| replace:: :ref:`f36 ` .. |f37| replace:: :ref:`f37 ` .. |f38| replace:: :ref:`f38 ` .. |f39| replace:: :ref:`f39 ` .. |f40| replace:: :ref:`f40 ` .. |f41| replace:: :ref:`f41 ` .. |f42| replace:: :ref:`f42 ` .. |f43| replace:: :ref:`f43 ` .. |f44| replace:: :ref:`f44 ` .. |f45| replace:: :ref:`f45 ` .. |f46| replace:: :ref:`f46 ` .. |f47| replace:: :ref:`f47 ` .. |f48| replace:: :ref:`f48 ` .. |f49| replace:: :ref:`f49 ` .. |f50| replace:: :ref:`f50 ` .. |f51| replace:: :ref:`f51 ` .. |f52| replace:: :ref:`f52 ` .. |f53| replace:: :ref:`f53 ` .. |f54| replace:: :ref:`f54 ` .. |f55| replace:: :ref:`f55 ` .. [1,2,6,8,13,14,15,17,20,21] .. :ref:`f1 `, :ref:`f2 `, :ref:`f3 `, :ref:`f4 `, :ref:`f5 `, :ref:`f6 `, :ref:`f7 `, :ref:`f8 `, :ref:`f9 `, :ref:`f10 `, :ref:`f11 `, :ref:`f12 `, :ref:`f13 `, :ref:`f14 `, :ref:`f15 `, :ref:`f16 `, :ref:`f17 `, :ref:`f18 `, :ref:`f19 `, :ref:`f20 `, :ref:`f21 `, :ref:`f22 `, :ref:`f23 `, :ref:`f24 `, :ref:`f25 `, :ref:`f26 `, :ref:`f27 `, :ref:`f28 `, :ref:`f29 `, :ref:`f30 `, :ref:`f31 `, :ref:`f32 `, :ref:`f33 `, :ref:`f34 `, :ref:`f35 `, :ref:`f36 `, :ref:`f37 `, :ref:`f38 `, :ref:`f39 `, :ref:`f40 `, :ref:`f41 `, :ref:`f42 `, :ref:`f43 `, :ref:`f44 `, :ref:`f45 `, :ref:`f46 `, :ref:`f47 `, :ref:`f48 `, :ref:`f49 `, :ref:`f50 `, :ref:`f51 `, :ref:`f52 `, :ref:`f53 `, :ref:`f54 `, :ref:`f55 `. Some Function Properties ------------------------ In the description of the 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions below, several general properties of objective functions will be mentioned that are defined here in short. It depends on these properties whether the optimization problem is easy or hard to solve. A *separable* function does not show any dependencies between the variables and can therefore be solved by applying :math:`n` consecutive one-dimensional optimizations along the coordinate axes while keeping the other variables fixed. Consequently, *non-separable* problems must be considered. They are much more difficult to solve. The typical well-established technique to generate non-separable functions from separable ones is the application of a rotation matrix :math:`\mathbf R` to :math:`x`, that is :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^n \mapsto g(\mathbf R x)`, where :math:`g` is a separable function. A *unimodal* function has only one local minimum which is at the same time also its global one. A *multimodal* function has at least two local minima which is highly common in practical optimization problems. *Ill-conditioning* is another typical challenge in real-parameter optimization and, besides multimodality, probably the most common one. In a general case, we can consider a function as ill-conditioned if for solution points from the same level-set "the minimal displacement [...] that produces a given function value improvement differs by orders of magnitude" [HAN2011]_. Conditioning can be rigorously formalized in the case of convex quadratic functions, :math:`f(x) = \frac{1}{2} x^THx` where :math:`H` is a symmetric positive definite matrix, as the condition number of the Hessian matrix :math:`H`. Since contour lines associated to a convex quadratic function are ellipsoids, the condition number corresponds to the square root of the ratio between the largest axis of the ellipsoid and the shortest axis. The proposed ``bbob-biobj`` testbed contains ill-conditioned functions with a typical conditioning of :math:`10^6`. We believe this is a realistic requirement, while we have seen practical problems with conditioning as large as :math:`10^{10}`. Domain Bounds ------------- All bi-objective functions provided in the ``bbob-biobj`` suite are unbounded, i.e., defined on the entire real-valued space :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`. The search domain of interest is defined as :math:`[-100,100]^n`, outside of which non-dominated solutions are quite unlikely to be found. [#]_ The majority of non-dominated solutions are likely to lie even within :math:`[-5,5]^n`. .. Nevertheless, they are designed such that and bound-constraint methods are likely to be competitive. While we believe that the domain of interest contains the Pareto set, due to the nature of the ``bbob-biobj`` function definitions, there is no guarantee that this is always the case. However, the extremal solutions and their neighborhood ball of radius one are guaranteed to lie within :math:`[-5,5]^n`. .. [#] The functions |coco_problem_get_smallest_value_of_interest|_ and |coco_problem_get_largest_value_of_interest|_ of the COCO_ platform allow the optimizer to retrieve the *search domain of interest* from the |coco_problem_t|_, for example to generate the initial search points. .. |coco_problem_get_largest_value_of_interest| replace:: ``coco_problem_get_largest_value_of_interest`` .. _coco_problem_get_largest_value_of_interest: http://numbbo.github.io/coco-doc/C/coco_8h.html#a29c89e039494ae8b4f8e520cba1eb154 .. |coco_problem_get_smallest_value_of_interest| replace:: ``coco_problem_get_smallest_value_of_interest`` .. _coco_problem_get_smallest_value_of_interest: http://numbbo.github.io/coco-doc/C/coco_8h.html#a4ea6c067adfa866b0179329fe9b7c458 Provided Search Space and Objective Space Plots ----------------------------------------------- In order to better understand the properties of the 55 ``bbob-biobj`` functions, we display for each of them plots of the best known Pareto front approximation in objective space in original scaling (as seen by the algorithm) and in log-scale, normalized such that the ideal point is at :math:`[0,0]` and the nadir point is at :math:`[1,1]`. We also provide plots illustrating the best known Pareto set approximation in search space (all depicted in black). For the latter, two different plots are provided: a plot showing the projection onto a coordinate-axes-parallel cut defined by two variables and a plot that projects all points onto a random cutting plane which contains both single-objective optima and that also shows the contour lines of both objective functions on this plane. In addition to the best Pareto set/Pareto front approximations, cuts through the search space are shown along (i) random lines through each optimum (in blue), (ii) lines along each coordinate axis through each optimum (blue dotted lines), (iii) the line through both optima (in red), (iv) two fully random lines [#]_ (in yellow), and (v) a random line in the random projection plane going through both optima [#]_ (in green). All lines are normalized (of length 10 with the support vector in the middle). Ticks along the lines in the objective space plots indicate the ends of line segments of the same length in search space. Thicker points on the lines depict solutions that are non-dominated with respect to all points on the same line. Furthermore, the search space plots highlight the projected region :math:`[-5,5]^n` as gray-shaded area while the gray-shaded area in the objective space plots highlight the region of interest between ideal (:math:`+`) and nadir point (:math:`\times`). Note that, to keep the plots to a manageable size, the Pareto set and Pareto front approximations are carefully downsampled such that only one solution per grid point is shown---with the precision of 2 decimals for the search space plots and 3 decimals for the objective space plots to define the grid. The number of considered and actually displayed solutions is indicated in the search space plots' legends. All plots are provided for one instance here only and for dimension 5 for the moment. .. TODO: ...but are provided online at \url{TODO} for all instances 1..10 .. TODO: provide also the plots for 2-D (and maybe 20-D instead/on top of 5-D?) .. [#] of random direction and with a support vector, drawn uniformly at random in :math:`[-4,4]^n` .. [#] with a random direction within the plane and a support vector, drawn uniformly at random in :math:`[-4,4]` in the coordinate system of the cutting plane` .. raw:: latex \pagebreak The 55 ``bbob-biobj`` Functions ------------------------------- .. _f1: :math:`f_1`: Sphere/Sphere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two sphere functions (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are unimodal, highly symmetric, rotational and scale invariant. The Pareto set is known to be a straight line and the Pareto front is convex. Furthermore, the normalized hypervolume value of the entire Pareto front with respect to the nadir point as reference point can be computed analytically as the integral :math:`1-\int_{0}^{1} (1-\sqrt{x})^2dx = -\frac{1}{2}+\frac{4}{3}=0.833333\ldots`. Considered as the simplest bi-objective problem in continuous domain. Contained in the *separable - separable* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the optimal convergence rate of a bi-objective algorithm? |f01-i01-d05-searchspace| |f01-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_1$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f01-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f01-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 1 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_1$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f01-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f01-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f01-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f01-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f01-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f01-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f01-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f01-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f2: :math:`f_2`: Sphere/Ellipsoid separable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are unimodal and separable. While the first objective is truly convex-quadratic with a condition number of 1, the second objective is only globally quadratic with smooth local irregularities and highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. Contained in the *separable - separable* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_1`: Is symmetry exploited? |f02-i01-d05-searchspace| |f02-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_2$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f02-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f02-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 2 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_2$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f02-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f02-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f02-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f02-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f02-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f02-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f02-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f02-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f3: :math:`f_3`: Sphere/Attractive sector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal, but only the first objective is separable and truly convex quadratic. The attractive sector function is highly asymmetric, where only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values. The optimum of it is located at the tip of this cone. Contained in the *separable - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_1` and :math:`f_{20}`: What is the effect of a highly asymmetric landscape in both or one objective? |f03-i01-d05-searchspace| |f03-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_3$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f03-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f03-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 3 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_3$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f03-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f03-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f03-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f03-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f03-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f03-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f03-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f03-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f4: :math:`f_4`: Sphere/Rosenbrock original ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the original, i.e., unrotated Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective is separable and truly convex, the second objective is partially separable (tri-band structure). The first objective is unimodal while the second objective has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. Contained in the *separable - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the search follow a long path with :math:`n-1` changes in the direction when it approaches one of the extremes of the Pareto front/Pareto set? |f04-i01-d05-searchspace| |f04-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_4$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f04-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f04-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 4 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_4$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f04-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f04-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f04-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f04-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f04-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f04-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f04-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f04-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f5: :math:`f_5`: Sphere/Sharp ridge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal. In addition to the simple, separable, and differentiable first objective, a sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridge has to be followed for optimizing the (non-separable) second objective. The gradient towards the ridge remains constant, when the ridge is approached from a given point. Approaching the ridge is initially effective, but becomes ineffective close to the ridge when the rigde needs to be followed in direction to its optimum. The necessary change in *search behavior* close to the ridge is difficult to diagnose, because the gradient towards the ridge does not flatten out. Contained in the *separable - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the search continuously change its search direction when approaching one of the extremes of the Pareto front/Pareto set? .. * What is the effect of having a non-smooth, non-differentiable function to optimize? |f05-i01-d05-searchspace| |f05-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_5$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f05-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f05-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 5 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_5$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f05-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f05-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f05-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f05-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f05-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f05-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f05-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f05-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f6: :math:`f_6`: Sphere/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the sum of different powers function (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal. The first objective is separable, the second non-separable. When approaching the second objective's optimum, the difference in sensitivity between different directions in search space increases unboundedly. .. In addition, the second objective function possesses a small solution volume. Contained in the *separable - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: |f06-i01-d05-searchspace| |f06-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_6$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f06-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f06-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 6 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_6$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f06-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f06-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f06-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f06-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f06-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f06-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f06-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f06-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f7: :math:`f_7`: Sphere/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). In addition to the simple sphere function, the prototypical highly multimodal Rastrigin function needs to be solved which has originally a very regular and symmetric structure for the placement of the optima. Here, however, transformations are performed to alleviate the original symmetry and regularity in the second objective. The properties of the second objective contain non-separabilty, multimodality (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima), a conditioning of about 10, and a large global amplitude compared to the local amplitudes. Contained in the *separable - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * With respect to fully unimodal functions: what is the effect of multimodality? |f07-i01-d05-searchspace| |f07-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_7$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f07-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f07-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 7 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_7$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f07-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f07-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f07-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f07-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f07-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f07-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f07-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f07-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f8: :math:`f_8`: Sphere/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). In addition to the simple sphere function, an asymmetric, non-separable, and highly multimodal function needs to be solved to approach the Pareto front/Pareto set where the frequency and amplitude of the modulation in the second objective vary. The conditioning of the second objective and thus the entire bi-objective function is low. Contained in the *separable - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_7` and :math:`f_{50}`: What is the effect of multimodality on a less regular function? |f08-i01-d05-searchspace| |f08-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_8$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f08-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f08-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 8 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_8$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f08-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f08-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f08-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f08-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f08-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f08-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f08-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f08-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f9: :math:`f_9`: Sphere/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). While the first objective function is separable and unimodal, the second objective function is partially separable and highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of the unpenalized search area. Contained in the *separable - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to e.g. :math:`f_8`: What is the effect of a weak global structure? |f09-i01-d05-searchspace| |f09-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_9$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f09-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f09-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 9 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_9$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f09-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f09-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f09-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f09-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f09-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f09-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f09-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f09-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f10: :math:`f_{10}`: Sphere/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sphere function (|f`1` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). While the first objective function is separable and unimodal, the second objective function is non-separable and consists of 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *separable - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? |f10-i01-d05-searchspace| |f10-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{10}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f10-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f10-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 10 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{10}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f10-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f10-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f10-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f10-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f10-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f10-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f10-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f10-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f11: :math:`f_{11}`: Ellipsoid separable/Ellipsoid separable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two separable ellipsoid functions (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are unimodal, separable, only globally quadratic with smooth local irregularities, and highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. Contained in the *separable - separable* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_1`: Is symmetry (rather: separability) exploited? |f11-i01-d05-searchspace| |f11-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{11}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f11-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f11-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 11 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{11}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f11-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f11-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f11-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f11-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f11-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f11-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f11-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f11-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f12: :math:`f_{12}`: Ellipsoid separable/Attractive sector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal but only the first one is separable. The first objective function, in addition, is globally quadratic with smooth local irregularities, and highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. The second objective function is highly asymmetric, where only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values. The optimum of it is located at the tip of this cone. Contained in the *separable - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to, for example, :math:`f_1`: Is symmetry exploited? |f12-i01-d05-searchspace| |f12-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{12}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f12-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f12-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 12 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{12}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f12-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f12-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f12-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f12-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f12-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f12-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f12-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f12-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f13: :math:`f_{13}`: Ellipsoid separable/Rosenbrock original ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the original, i.e., unrotated Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_). Only the first objective is separable and unimodal. The second objective is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. In addition, the first objective function shows smooth local irregularities from a globally convex quadratic function and is highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. Contained in the *separable - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the search handle highly conditioned functions and follow a long path with :math:`n-1` changes in the direction when it approaches the Pareto front/Pareto set? |f13-i01-d05-searchspace| |f13-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{13}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f13-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f13-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 13 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{13}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f13-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f13-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f13-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f13-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f13-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f13-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f13-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f13-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f14: :math:`f_{14}`: Ellipsoid separable/Sharp ridge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal but only the first one is separable. The first objective is globally quadratic but with smooth local irregularities and highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. For optimizing the second objective, a sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridge has to be followed. Contained in the *separable - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the search continuously change its search direction when approaching one of the extremes of the Pareto front/Pareto set? .. * What is the effect of having to solve both a highly-conditioned and a non-smooth, non-differentiabale function to approximate the Pareto front/Pareto set? |f14-i01-d05-searchspace| |f14-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{14}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f14-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f14-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 14 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{14}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f14-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f14-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f14-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f14-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f14-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f14-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f14-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f14-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f15: :math:`f_{15}`: Ellipsoid separable/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the sum of different powers function (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal but only the first one is separable. The first objective is globally quadratic but with smooth local irregularities and highly ill-conditioned with a condition number of about :math:`10^6`. When approaching the second objective's optimum, the sensitivies of the variables in the rotated search space become more and more different. Contained in the *separable - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the Pareto front/Pareto set be approached when both a highly conditioned function and a function, the conditioning of which increases when approaching the optimum, must be solved? |f15-i01-d05-searchspace| |f15-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{15}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f15-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f15-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 15 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{15}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f15-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f15-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f15-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f15-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f15-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f15-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f15-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f15-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f16: :math:`f_{16}`: Ellipsoid separable/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). The objective functions show rather opposite properties. The first one is separable, the second not. The first one is unimodal, the second highly multimodal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima). The first one is highly ill-conditioning (condition number of :math:`10^6`), the second one has a conditioning of about 10. Local non-linear transformations are performed in both objective functions to alleviate the original symmetry and regularity of the two baseline functions. Contained in the *separable - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * With respect to fully unimodal functions: what is the effect of multimodality? .. * With respect to low-conditioned problems: what is the effect of high conditioning? |f16-i01-d05-searchspace| |f16-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{16}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f16-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f16-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 16 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{16}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f16-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f16-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f16-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f16-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f16-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f16-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f16-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f16-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f17: :math:`f_{17}`: Ellipsoid separable/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Also here, both single objectives possess opposing properties. The first objective is unimodal, besides small local non-linearities symmetric, separable and highly ill-conditioned while the second objective is highly multi-modal, asymmetric, and non-separable, with only a low conditioning. Contained in the *separable - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the opposing difficulties posed by the single objectives when parts of the Pareto front (at the extremes, in the middle, ...) are explored? |f17-i01-d05-searchspace| |f17-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{17}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f17-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f17-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 17 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{17}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f17-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f17-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f17-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f17-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f17-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f17-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f17-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f17-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f18: :math:`f_{18}`: Ellipsoid separable/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective is unimodal, separable and highly ill-conditioned. The second objective is partially separable and highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of the unpenalized search area. Contained in the *separable - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. .. todo:: Give some details. |f18-i01-d05-searchspace| |f18-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{18}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f18-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f18-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 18 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{18}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f18-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f18-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f18-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f18-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f18-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f18-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f18-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f18-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f19: :math:`f_{19}`: Ellipsoid separable/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the separable ellipsoid function (|f`2` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). While the first objective function is separable, unimodal, and highly ill-conditioned (condition number of about :math:`10^6`), the second objective function is non-separable and consists of 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *separable - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * What is the effect of the different condition numbers of the two objectives, in particular when combined to reach the middle of the Pareto front? |f19-i01-d05-searchspace| |f19-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{19}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f19-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f19-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 19 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{19}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f19-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f19-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f19-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f19-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f19-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f19-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f19-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f19-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f20: :math:`f_{20}`: Attractive sector/Attractive sector ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two attractive sector functions (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_). Both functions are unimodal and highly asymmetric, where only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) per objective with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values. The objective functions' optima are located at the tips of those two cones. Contained in the *moderate - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_1` and :math:`f_{20}`: What is the effect of a highly asymmetric landscape in both or one objective? |f20-i01-d05-searchspace| |f20-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{20}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f20-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f20-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 20 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{20}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f20-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f20-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f20-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f20-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f20-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f20-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f20-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f20-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f21: :math:`f_{21}`: Attractive sector/Rosenbrock original ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_). The first function is unimodal but highly asymmetric, where only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values (with the optimum at the tip of the cone). The second objective is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. Contained in the *moderate - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of relatively large search space areas leading to suboptimal values of the two objective functions? |f21-i01-d05-searchspace| |f21-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{21}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f21-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f21-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 21 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{21}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f21-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f21-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f21-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f21-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f21-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f21-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f21-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f21-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f22: :math:`f_{22}`: Attractive sector/Sharp ridge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal and non-separable. The first objective is highly asymmetric in the sense that only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values (with the optimum at the tip of the cone). For optimizing the second objective, a sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridge has to be followed. Contained in the *moderate - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of assymmetries and non-differentiabilities when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set? |f22-i01-d05-searchspace| |f22-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{22}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f22-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f22-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 22 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{22}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f22-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f22-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f22-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f22-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f22-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f22-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f22-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f22-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f23: :math:`f_{23}`: Attractive sector/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the sum of different powers function (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal and non-separable. The first objective is highly asymmetric in the sense that only one *hypercone* (with angular base area) with a volume of roughly :math:`(1/2)^n` yields low function values (with the optimum at the tip of the cone). When approaching the second objective's optimum, the sensitivies of the variables in the rotated search space become more and more different. Contained in the *moderate - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of assymmetries and an increasing conditioning in one objective function (sum of different powers function) when approaching Pareto-optimal points? |f23-i01-d05-searchspace| |f23-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{23}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f23-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f23-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 23 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{23}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f23-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f23-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f23-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f23-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f23-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f23-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f23-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f23-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f24: :math:`f_{24}`: Attractive sector/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are non-separable, and the second one is highly multi-modal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima) while the first one is unimodal. Further properties are that the first objective is highly assymetric and the second has a conditioning of about 10. Contained in the *moderate - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * With respect to fully unimodal and rather symmetric functions: what is the effect of multimodality and assymmetry? |f24-i01-d05-searchspace| |f24-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{24}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f24-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f24-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 24 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{24}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f24-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f24-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f24-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f24-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f24-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f24-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f24-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f24-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f25: :math:`f_{25}`: Attractive sector/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are non-separable and asymmetric. While the first objective is unimodal, the second one is a highly multi-modal function with a low conditioning where frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary. Contained in the *moderate - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of having to solve the relatively` simple, but asymmetric first objective together with the highly multi-modal second objective with less regularities when the Pareto front/Pareto Pareto set is approached? |f25-i01-d05-searchspace| |f25-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{25}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f25-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f25-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 25 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{25}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f25-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f25-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f25-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f25-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f25-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f25-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f25-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f25-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f26: :math:`f_{26}`: Attractive sector/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective is non-separable, unimodal, and asymmetric. The second objective is partially separable and highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of the unpenalized search area. Contained in the *moderate - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of asymmetries and a weak global structure when different parts of the Pareto front/Pareto set are approached? |f26-i01-d05-searchspace| |f26-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{26}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f26-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f26-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 26 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{26}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f26-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f26-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f26-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f26-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f26-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f26-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f26-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f26-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f27: :math:`f_{27}`: Attractive sector/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the attractive sector function (|f`6` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable but only the first is unimodal. The first objective function is furthermore asymmetric. The second objective function has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *moderate - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * What is the effect of the different condition numbers of the two objectives, in particular when combined to reach the middle of the Pareto front? |f27-i01-d05-searchspace| |f27-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{27}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f27-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f27-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 27 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{27}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f27-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f27-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f27-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f27-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f27-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f27-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f27-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f27-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f28: :math:`f_{28}`: Rosenbrock original/Rosenbrock original ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two Rosenbrock functions (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are partially separable (tri-band structure) and have a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. Contained in the *moderate - moderate* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the search follow different long paths with $n-1$ changes in the direction when approaching the extremes of the Pareto front/Pareto set? .. * What is the effect when a combination of the two paths have to be solved when a point in the middle of the Pareto front/Pareto set is sought? |f28-i01-d05-searchspace| |f28-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{28}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f28-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f28-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 28 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{28}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f28-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f28-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f28-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f28-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f28-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f28-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f28-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f28-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f29: :math:`f_{29}`: Rosenbrock original/Sharp ridge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective function is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. The second objective is unimodal and non-separable and, for optimizing it, a sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridge has to be followed. Contained in the *moderate - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the opposing difficulties posed by the single objectives when parts of the Pareto front (at the extremes, in the middle, ...) are explored? |f29-i01-d05-searchspace| |f29-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{29}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f29-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f29-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 29 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{29}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f29-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f29-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f29-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f29-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f29-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f29-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f29-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f29-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f30: :math:`f_{30}`: Rosenbrock original/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the sum of different powers function (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective function is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. The second objective function is unimodal and non-separable. When approaching the second objective's optimum, the sensitivies of the variables in the rotated search space become more and more different. Contained in the *moderate - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of having to follow a long path with $n-1$ changes in the direction when optimizing one objective function and an increasing conditioning when solving the other, in particular when trying to approximate the Pareto front/Pareto set not close to their extremes? |f30-i01-d05-searchspace| |f30-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{30}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f30-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f30-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 30 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{30}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f30-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f30-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f30-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f30-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f30-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f30-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f30-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f30-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f31: :math:`f_{31}`: Rosenbrock original/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective function is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. The second objective function is non-separable and highly multi-modal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima). Contained in the *moderate - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * With respect to fully unimodal functions: what is the effect of multimodality? |f31-i01-d05-searchspace| |f31-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{31}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f31-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f31-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 31 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{31}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f31-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f31-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f31-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f31-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f31-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f31-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f31-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f31-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f32: :math:`f_{32}`: Rosenbrock original/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective function is partially separable (tri-band structure) and has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%. The second objective function is non-separable, asymmetric, and highly multi-modal with a low conditioning where frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary. Contained in the *moderate - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties (in particular the high multi-modality of the second objective) when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f32-i01-d05-searchspace| |f32-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{32}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f32-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f32-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 32 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{32}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f32-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f32-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f32-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f32-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f32-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f32-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f32-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f32-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f33: :math:`f_{33}`: Rosenbrock original/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are partially separable. While the first objective function has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%, the second objective function is highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. Contained in the *moderate - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties (in particular the high multi-modality and weak global structure of the second objective) when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? .. * Can the partial separability of the two objectives be detected and exploited? |f33-i01-d05-searchspace| |f33-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{33}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f33-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f33-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 33 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{33}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f33-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f33-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f33-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f33-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f33-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f33-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f33-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f33-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f34: :math:`f_{34}`: Rosenbrock original/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rosenbrock function (|f`8` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). The first objective function is partially separable, the second one non-separable. While the first objective function has a local optimum with an attraction volume of about 25\%, the second objective function has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *moderate - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * How much does the multi-modality play a role when compared to fully uni-modal functions? |f34-i01-d05-searchspace| |f34-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{34}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f34-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f34-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 34 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{34}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f34-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f34-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f34-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f34-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f34-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f34-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f34-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f34-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f35: :math:`f_{35}`: Sharp ridge/Sharp ridge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two sharp ridge functions (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are unimodal and non-separable and, for optimizing them, two sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridges have to be followed. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of having to follow non-smooth, non-differentiabale ridges? |f35-i01-d05-searchspace| |f35-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{35}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f35-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f35-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 35 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{35}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f35-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f35-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f35-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f35-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f35-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f35-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f35-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f35-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f36: :math:`f_{36}`: Sharp ridge/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_) and the sum of different powers function (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). Both functions are uni-modal and non-separable. For optimizing the first objective, a sharp, i.e., non-differentiable ridge has to be followed. When approaching the second objective's optimum, the sensitivies of the variables in the rotated search space become more and more different. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of having to follow a ridge when optimizing one objective function and an increasing conditioning when solving the other, in particular when trying to approximate the Pareto front/Pareto set not close to their extremes? |f36-i01-d05-searchspace| |f36-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{36}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f36-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f36-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 36 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{36}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f36-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f36-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f36-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f36-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f36-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f36-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f36-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f36-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f37: :math:`f_{37}`: Sharp ridge/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). Both functions are non-separable. While the first one is unimodal and non-differentiable at its ridge, the second objective function is highly multi-modal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima). Contained in the *ill-conditioned - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of having to follow a ridge when optimizing one objective function and the high multi-modality of the other, in particular when trying to approximate the Pareto front/Pareto set not close to their extremes? |f37-i01-d05-searchspace| |f37-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{37}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f37-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f37-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 37 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{37}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f37-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f37-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f37-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f37-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f37-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f37-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f37-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f37-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f38: :math:`f_{38}`: Sharp ridge/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Both functions are non-separable. While the first one is unimodal and non-differentiable at its ridge, the second objective function is asymmetric and highly multi-modal with a low conditioning where frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f38-i01-d05-searchspace| |f38-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{38}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f38-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f38-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 38 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{38}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f38-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f38-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f38-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f38-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f38-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f38-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f38-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f38-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f39: :math:`f_{39}`: Sharp ridge/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). While the first objective function is unimodal, non-separable, and non-differentiable at its ridge, the second objective function is highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties (in particular the non-differentiability of the first and the high multi-modality and weak global structure of the second objective) when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f39-i01-d05-searchspace| |f39-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{39}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f39-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f39-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 39 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{39}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f39-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f39-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f39-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f39-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f39-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f39-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f39-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f39-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f40: :math:`f_{40}`: Sharp ridge/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sharp ridge function (|f`13` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable. While the first objective function is unimodal and non-differentiable at its ridge, the second objective function has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * How much does the multi-modality of the second objective play a role when compared to fully uni-modal functions? |f40-i01-d05-searchspace| |f40-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{40}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f40-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f40-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 40 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{40}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f40-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f40-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f40-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f40-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f40-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f40-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f40-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f40-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f41: :math:`f_{41}`: Sum of different powers/Sum of different powers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two sum of different powers functions (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_). Both functions are uni-modal and non-separable where the sensitivies of the variables in the rotated search space become more and more different when approaching the objectives' optima. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - ill-conditioned* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_{11}`: What is the effect of rotations of the search space and missing self-similarity? |f41-i01-d05-searchspace| |f41-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{41}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f41-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f41-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 41 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{41}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f41-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f41-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f41-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f41-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f41-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f41-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f41-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f41-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f42: :math:`f_{42}`: Sum of different powers/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sum of different powers functions (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_) and the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable. While the first one is unimodal, the second objective function is highly multi-modal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima). Contained in the *ill-conditioned - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of having to cope with an increasing conditioning when optimizing one objective function and the high multi-modality of the other, in particular when trying to approximate the Pareto front/Pareto set not close to their extremes? |f42-i01-d05-searchspace| |f42-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{42}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f42-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f42-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 42 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{42}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f42-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f42-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f42-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f42-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f42-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f42-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f42-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f42-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f43: :math:`f_{43}`: Sum of different powers/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sum of different powers functions (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable. While the first one is unimodal with an increasing conditioning once the optimum is approached, the second objective function is asymmetric and highly multi-modal with a low conditioning where frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f43-i01-d05-searchspace| |f43-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{43}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f43-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f43-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 43 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{43}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f43-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f43-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f43-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f43-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f43-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f43-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f43-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f43-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f44: :math:`f_{44}`: Sum of different powers/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sum of different powers functions (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). Both objectives are non-separable. While the first objective function is unimodal, the second objective function is highly multimodal---having the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different difficulties (in particular the increasing conditioning close to the first objective's optimum and the high multi-modality and weak global structure of the second objective) when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f44-i01-d05-searchspace| |f44-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{44}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f44-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f44-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 44 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{44}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f44-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f44-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f44-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f44-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f44-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f44-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f44-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f44-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f45: :math:`f_{45}`: Sum of different powers/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the sum of different powers functions (|f`14` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable. While the first objective function is unimodal, the second objective function has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). The conditioning around the global optimum of the second objective function is about 30. Contained in the *ill-conditioned - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * How much does the multi-modality of the second objective play a role when compared to fully uni-modal functions? |f45-i01-d05-searchspace| |f45-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{45}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f45-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f45-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 45 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{45}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f45-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f45-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f45-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f45-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f45-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f45-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f45-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f45-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f46: :math:`f_{46}`: Rastrigin/Rastrigin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two Rastrigin functions (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal (roughly :math:`10^n` local optima). Contained in the *multi-modal - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * When compared to :math:`f_{11}`: What is the effect of non-separability and multi-modality? |f46-i01-d05-searchspace| |f46-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{46}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f46-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f46-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 46 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{46}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f46-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f46-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f46-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f46-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f46-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f46-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f46-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f46-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f47: :math:`f_{47}`: Rastrigin/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. Contained in the *multi-modal - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the different distributions of local minima when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f47-i01-d05-searchspace| |f47-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{47}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f47-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f47-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 47 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{47}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f47-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f47-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f47-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f47-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f47-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f47-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f47-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f47-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f48: :math:`f_{48}`: Rastrigin/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal where the first has roughly :math:`10^n` local optima and the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima of the second objective function are located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. Contained in the *multi-modal - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What is the effect of the large amount of local optima in both objectives when approaching the Pareto front/Pareto set, especially in the middle? |f48-i01-d05-searchspace| |f48-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{48}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f48-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f48-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 48 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{48}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f48-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f48-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f48-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f48-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f48-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f48-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f48-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f48-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f49: :math:`f_{49}`: Rastrigin/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Rastrigin function (|f`15` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal where the first has roughly :math:`10^n` local optima and the second has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). Contained in the *multi-modal - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Is the search effective without any global structure? .. * What is the effect of the differing distributions of local optima in the two objective functions? |f49-i01-d05-searchspace| |f49-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{49}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f49-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f49-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 49 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{49}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f49-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f49-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f49-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f49-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f49-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f49-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f49-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f49-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f50: :math:`f_{50}`: Schaffer F7, condition 10/Schaffer F7, condition 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two Schaffer F7 functions with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. Contained in the *multi-modal - multi-modal* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_{46}`: What is the effect of multimodality on a less regular function? |f50-i01-d05-searchspace| |f50-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{50}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f50-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f50-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 50 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{50}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f50-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f50-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f50-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f50-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f50-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f50-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f50-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f50-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f51: :math:`f_{51}`: Schaffer F7, condition 10/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_) and the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. While frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary in an almost regular fashion in the first objective function, the second objective function posseses less global structure. Contained in the *multi-modal - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * What are the effects of different global structures in the two objective functions? |f51-i01-d05-searchspace| |f51-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{51}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f51-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f51-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 51 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{51}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f51-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f51-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f51-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f51-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f51-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f51-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f51-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f51-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f52: :math:`f_{52}`: Schaffer F7, condition 10/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Schaffer F7 function with condition number 10 (|f`17` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. While frequency and amplitude of the modulation vary in an almost regular fashion in the first objective function, the second has 101 optima with position and height being unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). Contained in the *multi-modal - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Similar to :math:`f_{51}`: What are the effects of different global structures in the two objective functions? |f52-i01-d05-searchspace| |f52-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{52}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f52-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f52-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 52 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{52}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f52-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f52-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f52-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f52-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f52-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f52-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f52-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f52-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f53: :math:`f_{53}`: Schwefel x*sin(x)/Schwefel x*sin(x) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two Schwefel functions (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal where the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima of each objective function are located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. Due to the combinatorial nature of the Schwefel function, it is likely in low dimensions that the Pareto set goes through the origin of the search space. Contained in the *weakly-structured - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison with :math:`f_{50}`: What is the effect of a weak global structure? .. * Can the search algorithm benefit from Pareto-optimal search points it can get from random samples close to the origin on some of the function' instances? |f53-i01-d05-searchspace| |f53-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{53}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f53-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f53-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 53 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{53}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f53-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f53-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f53-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f53-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f53-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f53-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f53-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f53-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f54: :math:`f_{54}`: Schwefel x*sin(x)/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of the Schwefel function (|f`20` in the bbob suite|_) and the Gallagher function with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. For the first objective function, the most prominent :math:`2^n` minima are located comparatively close to the corners of its unpenalized search area. For the second objective, position and height of all 101 optima are unrelated and randomly chosen (different for each instantiation of the function). Contained in the *weakly-structured - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * In comparison to :math:`f_{53}`: Does the total absence of a global structure in one objective change anything in the performance of the algorithm? |f54-i01-d05-searchspace| |f54-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{54}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f54-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f54-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 54 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{54}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f54-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f54-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f54-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f54-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f54-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f54-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f54-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f54-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% .. _f55: :math:`f_{55}`: Gallagher 101 peaks/Gallagher 101 peaks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combination of two Gallagher functions with 101 peaks (|f`21` in the bbob suite|_). Both objective functions are non-separable and highly multi-modal. Position and height of all 101 optima in each objective function are unrelated and randomly chosen and thus, no global structure is present. Contained in the *weakly-structured - weakly-structured* function class. .. .. rubric:: Information gained from this function: .. * Can the Pareto front/Pareto set be found efficiently when no global structure can be exploited? |f55-i01-d05-searchspace| |f55-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| .. raw:: latex Illustration of search space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{55}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance.\\[1em] |f55-i01-d05-logobjspace| |f55-i01-d05-objspace| .. raw:: html Illustration of search space (first row) and objective space (second row) for bbob-biobj function 55 in dimension 5 for the first instance. .. raw:: latex Illustration of objective space for \code{bbob-biobj} function $f_{55}$ in dimension 5 for the first instance (left: normalized in log-scale; right: original scaling). \pagebreak .. |f55-i01-d05-searchspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f55-i01-d05-searchspace.* :width: 49% .. |f55-i01-d05-searchspace-projected| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f55-i01-d05-searchspace-projection.* :width: 49% .. |f55-i01-d05-logobjspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f55-i01-d05-logobjspace.* :width: 49% .. |f55-i01-d05-objspace| image:: ../code/plots/after_workshop/directions-f55-i01-d05-objspace.* :width: 49% The Extended ``bbob-biobj-ext`` Test Suite and Its Functions ============================================================ Having all combinations of only a subset of the single-objective ``bbob`` functions in a test suite like the above ``bbob-biobj`` one has advantages but also a few disadvantages. Using only a subet of the 24 ``bbob`` functions introduces a bias towards the chosen functions and reduces the amount of different difficulties, a bi-objective algorithm is exposed to in the benchmarking exercise. Allowing all combinations of ``bbob`` functions increases the percentage of problems for which both objectives are from different ``bbob`` function groups while, in practice, it can often be assumed that both objective functions come from a similar "function domain". The rationale behind the following extended ``bbob-biobj`` test suite, denoted as ``bbob-biobj-ext``, is to reduce the mentioned effects. To this end, we add all within-group combinations of ``bbob`` functions which are not already in the ``bbob-biobj`` suite and which do not combine a function with itself. For technical reasons, we also remove the Weierstrass functions (|fb16|_ in the ``bbob`` suite) because the optimum is not necessarily unique and computing the nadir point therefore technically more challenging than for the other functions. This extension adds :math:`3*(4+3+2+1-1) + 2*(3+2+1-1) = 3*9+2*5=37` functions, resulting in 92 functions overall. The following table details which single-objective ``bbob`` functions are contained in the 92 ``bbob-biobj-ext`` functions (outer column and row annotations) and indicates their IDs. Note that the IDs of the first 55 ``bbob0biobj-ext`` functions are the same than for the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite for compatibility reasons. +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | ||fb1|_ ||fb2|_ ||fb3|_ ||fb4|_ ||fb5|_ ||fb6|_ ||fb7|_ ||fb8|_ ||fb9|_ ||fb10|_||fb11|_||fb12|_||fb13|_||fb14|_||fb15|_||fb16|_||fb17|_||fb18|_||fb19|_||fb20|_||fb21|_||fb22|_||fb23|_||fb24|_| +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb1|_ | |f1| | |f2| | |f56| | |f57| | |f58| | |f3| | | |f4| | | | | | |f5| | |f6| | |f7| | | |f8| | | | |f9| | |f10| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb2|_ | | |f11| | |f59| | |f60| | |f61| | |f12| | | |f13| | | | | | |f14| | |f15| | |f16| | | |f17| | | | |f18| | |f19| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb3|_ | | | | |f62| | |f63| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb4|_ | | | | | |f64| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb5|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb6|_ | | | | | | |f20| | |f65| | |f21| | |f66| | | | | |f22| | |f23| | |f24| | | |f25| | | | |f26| | |f27| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb7|_ | | | | | | | | |f67| | |f68| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb8|_ | | | | | | | | |f28| | |f69| | | | | |f29| | |f30| | |f31| | | |f32| | | | |f33| | |f34| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb9|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb10|_| | | | | | | | | | | |f70| | |f71| | |f72| | |f73| | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb11|_| | | | | | | | | | | | |f74| | |f75| | |f76| | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb12|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |f77| | |f78| | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb13|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |f35| | |f36| | |f37| | | |f38| | | | |f39| | |f40| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb14|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f41| | |f42| | | |f43| | | | |f44| | |f45| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb15|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f46| | | |f47| | |f79| | |f80| | |f48| | |f49| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb16|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb17|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f50| | |f81| | |f82| | |f51| | |f52| | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb18|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f83| | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb19|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb20|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f53| | |f54| | |f84| | |f85| | |f86| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb21|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f55| | |f87| | |f88| | |f89| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb22|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f90| | |f91| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb23|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |f92| | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ||fb24|_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ The 92 functions of the ``bbob-biobj-ext`` test suite and their IDs (in the table cells) together with the information about which single-objective ``bbob`` functions are used to define them (outer column and row annotations). .. |fb3| replace:: :math:`f_3` .. _fb3: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=15 .. |fb4| replace:: :math:`f_4` .. _fb4: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=20 .. |fb5| replace:: :math:`f_5` .. _fb5: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=25 .. |fb7| replace:: :math:`f_7` .. _fb7: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=35 .. |fb9| replace:: :math:`f_9` .. _fb9: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=45 .. |fb10| replace:: :math:`f_{10}` .. _fb10: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=50 .. |fb11| replace:: :math:`f_{11}` .. _fb11: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=55 .. |fb12| replace:: :math:`f_{12}` .. _fb12: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=60 .. |fb16| replace:: :math:`f_{16}` .. _fb16: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=80 .. |fb18| replace:: :math:`f_{18}` .. _fb18: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=90 .. |fb19| replace:: :math:`f_{19}` .. _fb19: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=95 .. |fb22| replace:: :math:`f_{22}` .. _fb22: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=110 .. |fb23| replace:: :math:`f_{23}` .. _fb23: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=115 .. |fb24| replace:: :math:`f_{24}` .. _fb24: http://coco.lri.fr/downloads/download15.03/bbobdocfunctions.pdf#page=120 .. |f56| replace:: f56 .. |f57| replace:: f57 .. |f58| replace:: f58 .. |f59| replace:: f59 .. |f60| replace:: f60 .. |f61| replace:: f61 .. |f62| replace:: f62 .. |f63| replace:: f63 .. |f64| replace:: f64 .. |f65| replace:: f65 .. |f66| replace:: f66 .. |f67| replace:: f67 .. |f68| replace:: f68 .. |f69| replace:: f69 .. |f70| replace:: f70 .. |f71| replace:: f71 .. |f72| replace:: f72 .. |f73| replace:: f73 .. |f74| replace:: f74 .. |f75| replace:: f75 .. |f76| replace:: f76 .. |f77| replace:: f77 .. |f78| replace:: f78 .. |f79| replace:: f79 .. |f80| replace:: f80 .. |f81| replace:: f81 .. |f82| replace:: f82 .. |f83| replace:: f83 .. |f84| replace:: f84 .. |f85| replace:: f85 .. |f86| replace:: f86 .. |f87| replace:: f87 .. |f88| replace:: f88 .. |f89| replace:: f89 .. |f90| replace:: f90 .. |f91| replace:: f91 .. |f92| replace:: f92 Function Groups --------------------------------------------------------------- Like for the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite, we obtain 15 function classes to structure the 92 bi-objective functions of the ``bbob-biobj-ext`` test suite. Depending on whether a function class combines functions from the same or from different ``bbob`` function classes, each function class contains 8, 12 or just four functions. We are listing below the function classes and in parenthesis the functions that belong to the respective class: 1. separable - separable (12 functions: f1, f2, f11, f56-64) 2. separable - moderate (f3, f4, f12, f13) 3. separable - ill-conditioned (f5, f6, f14, f15) 4. separable - multi-modal (f7, f8, f16, f17) 5. separable - weakly-structured (f9, f10, f18, f19) 6. moderate - moderate (8 functions: f20, f21, f28, f65-f69) 7. moderate - ill-conditioned (f22, f23, f29, f30) 8. moderate - multi-modal (f24, f25, f31, f32) 9. moderate - weakly-structured (f26, f27, f33, f34) 10. ill-conditioned - ill-conditioned (12 functions: f35, f36, f41, f70-78) 11. ill-conditioned - multi-modal (f37, f38, f42, f43) 12. ill-conditioned - weakly-structured (f39, f40, f44, f45) 13. multi-modal - multi-modal (8 functions: f46, f47, f50, f79-83) 14. multi-modal - weakly structured (f48, f49, f51, f52) 15. weakly structured - weakly structured (12 functions: f53-55, f84-92) Normalization and Instances --------------------------- Normalization of the objectives and instances are handled for the ``bbob-biobj-ext`` in the same manner as for the ``bbob-biobj`` suite, i.e., no normalization of the objective functions is taking place for the algorithm benchmarking and 15 instances are prescribed for a typical experiment. .. _`Coco framework`: https://github.com/numbbo/coco .. raw:: html


.. raw:: latex \section*{Acknowledgments} This work was supported by the grant ANR-12-MONU-0009 (NumBBO) of the French National Research Agency. We also thank Ilya Loshchilov and Oswin Krause for their initial suggestions on how to extend the ``bbob-biobj`` test suite. .. ############################# References ######################################### .. raw:: html


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